Setting up Integration with ThreadFix through Jenkins
You can integrate CxSAST with ThreadFix enabling Jenkins to automatically initiate a CxSAST scan and push the scan results to ThreadFix.
To set up integration with ThreadFix through Jenkins:
1. Install the ThreadFix Plugin in Jenkins.
2. Configure the ThreadFix Plugin in Jenkins.
3. Add a new application in ThreadFix.
4. Click <Add Application>.
5. Configure a job in Jenkins by adding a build step "Execute Checkmarx Scan".
You must check Enable synchronous mode.
6. Add a Post Scan Action "Publish to ThreadFix".
Scan file path location must be set to %WORKSPACE%\Checkmarx\Reports\ScanReport.xml.
7. Click <Save>. Every time you run a Jenkins job it will be scanned by Checkmarx and pushed to the ThreadFix Server.