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Projects Page

The Checkmarx One Projects page displays all projects associated with a specific tenant. These projects can be either Code Repository integration projects or Checkmarx projects manually created by the user. For additional details on managing Checkmarx One projects, refer to Managing Projects.

The page includes several elements such as:

  • The New button for creating new Projects. For more information, refer to Creating Projects

  • Projects table

  • Project actions

  • Actions menus for generating reports, exporting the Projects table, configuring templates, and more

  • Code Repository Coverage widget.

Projects Table

The Projects table consists of rows and columns. Each row represents a Project, and each column provides information related to the respective Project, reflecting the details of the last successfully completed scan.

The default table view initially displays projects that have never been scanned, sorted by the last project update date in descending order. Subsequently, the scanned projects are sorted in descending order by the last scan date.

Each table column includes details such as Project name, scan origin, last scan timestamp, scan source, Project tags, Project groups, Project risk level, and the total number of detected vulnerabilities from the last scan.

The supported table functionalities include Grouping, Filtering, Sorting, and column resizing. All these functionalities are supported simultaneously, allowing you to mix and match them to narrow down the findings in the table.


Filtering can be applied to a single column in the table or to multiple columns.

To enable filtering for a single column, hover over the desired column header and click the Filter1.png icon. Set the filter conditions and click Select. The table will then be filtered accordingly.

Another option to enable filtering is by clicking the Filter1.png icon next to the Search field. This action will display the Filter1.png icon for all the table columns.

The None tag, when marked, displays projects without tags.


By default, all table columns are sorted in descending order. You can change the sorting order of any column to ascending by hovering over the column header and selecting the Click to sort ascending option.


To remove the column sorting, hover over the column header and select the Click to cancel sorting option.



The table view can be grouped by the Projects' risk levels. To enable risk level grouping, follow these steps:

  1. Hover over Groups___Filters.png and click on Projects_Add_Group.png

  2. Select the Risk Level group.

  3. Click Add.


    The table is grouped by Risk Level


Resizing Columns

The table columns can be resized (widened or narrowed) by dragging the table header boarders right or left.


Deleting Projects

Users can delete a single project from the table or delete multiple projects using bulk selection.

To delete a single project, hover over the desired project in the table, click on the three-dots menu, and select Delete Project.


To delete multiple projects using bulk selection, follow these steps:

  1. Select the desired projects by checking their respective checkboxes.

  2. Click on the Delete Projects button.


Project Actions

All actions available for a single Project appear upon hovering over the Project row in the table. Some actions are quick actions that are automatically displayed upon hover, while the remaining supported actions can be found in the More_Options.png menu.

Quick Actions

  • The total number of detected vulnerabilities in the scanned code is displayed in the Total Vulnerabilities column. Hovering over the vulnerability severity distribution bar displays a split of the vulnerabilities per severity.

  • Projects_Page_Results1.png - Hovering over the Results link will display the severity of each scanner for the last successfully completed scan. Clicking on a specific scanner will open the last scan results in the Results Viewer.

  • Projects_Page_Copy_ID.png - This link will copy the Project's ID to the clipboard.

  • Projects_Page_Overview.png (Overview) - Redirects you to the project's overview page.

  • Projects_Page_Scan.png (Scan) - Initiates a new scan for the Project.

Actions Menu

The project's Actions menu includes the following options:

  • actions_assign_to_applications.png Assign to Applications - Assigns the project to an application.

  • actions_project_settings.png Project Settings - Opens project settings.

  • actions_optimization_service_order.png Optimization Service Order - Orders Optimization service from the Checkmarx AppSec experts for this project.

  • actions_generate_report.png Generate Project Report - Opens the Generate Report sliding pane allowing you to set up and generate the project report.

  • actions_delete.png Delete Project - Deletes the project.


Other Actions

The Checkmarx One Projects page offers several other actions, including the ability to export the Projects table and configure the project template. These actions are located in the three-dot menu More_Options.png:


CSV Export

To export the Projects table data in CSV format, click on CSV Export in the Actions menu More_Options.png next to the Search field.

Configuration Template

To open the configuration template, click on Configuration Template in the Actions menu More_Options.png next to the Search field.

For additional information, refer to Configuring Projects Using Config as Code Files.

Code Repository Coverage Widget

The Code Repository Coverage widget enhances Checkmarx One monitoring and coverage for the supported code repositories.

The widget is designed to provide the following capabilities:

  • A quick view of the code repositories being monitored in the system.

  • Repository coverage percentage - Only code repository organizations and repositories are counted excluding CI/CD ones.

  • A list of organizations that are monitored for each supported code repository.

  • How many repositories of the monitored organizations are being scanned in Checkmarx One.

  • An option to add additional organizations/repositories to improve the code repository coverage.

For additional information, refer to Code Repository Coverage.