Access Control (REST) API - LDAP Servers
This section includes REST APIs for working with Access Control LDAP Server tasks.
Test LDAP Server Connection – POST /LDAPServers/TestConnection
Test LDAP Server connection.
The ‘Manage Authentication Providers’ permission is required to execute this API.
GET /LDAPServers/{id} and get details of an LDAP Server
POST /LDAPServers/TestConnection and test the LDAP Server connection
Media Type (header):
Authorization: Bearer <access token value>
Content-Type: application/json;v=1.0
ldapServerViewModel=[body]: Specifies the details of LDAP Server to test
host=[integer] - LDAP Server host name
port=[integer] - LDAP Server Port
username=[string] - Username of the binding user
password=[integer] - Password of the binding user
useSsl=[boolean] - Whether to use SSL when connecting to this LDAP Server (false/true)
verifySslCertificate=[boolean] - Whether to verify SSL certificate (false/true)
baseDn=[string] - LDAP Server base DN
userObjectFilter=[string] - User object filter
userObjectClass=[string] - User object class
usernameAttribute=[string] – User name attribute
firstNameAttribute=[string] - First name attribute
lastNameAttribute=[string] - Last name attribute
emailAttribute=[string] - Email attribute
synchronizationEnabled=[boolean] - Whether synchronization is enabled for this LDAP Server (false/true)
advancedTeamAndRoleMappingEnabled=[boolean] - Whether to enable advanced team and role mapping (false/true)
additionalGroupDn=[string] - Additional group Dn. Limit groups search to specified DN
groupObjectClass=[string] - Group object class
groupObjectFilter=[string] - Group object filter
groupNameAttribute=[string] - Group name attribute
groupMembersAttribute=[string] - Group members attribute
userMembershipAttribute=[string] - User membership attribute
Success Response:
Code: 200 Success
Error Response:
Code: 400 Bad Request
Code: 401 Unauthorized
Code: 403 Forbidden
Sample Response:
{ "isSuccessful": true, "message": "Successfully connected to the LDAP Server, validated user schema settings and attributes" }
Tests LDAP Server connection. If the request fails, it returns an error response.
Get User Entries by Search Criteria - GET /LDAPServers/{id}/UserEntries
Get LDAP Server user entries according to specific search criteria.
GET /LDAPServers/{id}/UserEntries and get LDAP Server user entries according to specific search criteria
POST /Users and create a new user
Media Type (header):
Authorization: Bearer <access token value>
Accept: application/json;v=1.0
id=[integer] - Unique Id of the LDAP Server. LDAP Server Id (id) is retrieved using the LDAP Servers API.
userNameContainsPattern=[string] – User name contains pattern (e.g., cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com)
Success Response:
Code: 200 Success
Error Response:
Code: 400 Bad Request
Code: 401 Unauthorized
Code: 403 Forbidden
Code: 404 Not Found
Sample Response:
[ { "username": "admin1", "firstName": "James", "lastName": "Smith", "email": } ]
Retrieves LDAP Server user entries according to the specified search criteria. If the request fails, it returns an error response.
Get Group Entries by Search Criteria - GET /LDAPServers/{id}/GroupEntries
Get LDAP Server group entries according to specific search criteria.
The ‘Manage Authentication Providers’ permission is required to execute this API.
GET /LDAPServers/{id}/GroupEntries and get LDAP Server group entries according to specific search criteria
PUT /LDAPServers/{id}/RoleMappings and update LDAP role mapping details.
PUT /LDAPServers/{id}/TeamMappings and update LDAP team mapping details.
Media Type (header):
Authorization: Bearer <access token value>
Accept: application/json;v=1.0
id=[integer] - Unique Id of the LDAP Server
nameContainsPattern=[string] – Group name contains pattern (e.g., cn)
Success Response:
Code: 200 Success
Error Response:
Code: 400 Bad Request
Code: 401 Unauthorized
Code: 403 Forbidden
Code: 404 Not Found
Sample Response:
[ { "name": "string", "dn": "string" } ]
Retrieves LDAP Server group entries according to the specified search criteria. If the request fails, it returns an error response.
Get All LDAP Servers - GET /LDAPServers
Get details of all LDAP Servers.
The ‘Manage Authentication Providers’ permission is required to execute this API.
GET /LDAPServers and get details of all LDAP Servers
PUT /LDAPServers/{id} and update the LDAP Server details
Media Type (header):
Authorization: Bearer <access token value>
Accept: application/json;v=1.0
Success Response:
Code: 200 Success
Error Response:
Code: 401 Unauthorized
Code: 403 Forbidden
Sample Response:
[ { "id": 2, "active": true, "name": "microsoft.ldap", "host": "", "port": 389, "username": "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com", "useSsl": false, "verifySslCertificate": false, "ldapDirectoryType": "ActiveDirectory", "ssoEnabled": false, "mappedDomainId": null, "baseDn": "ou=automation,dc=example,dc=com", "additionalUserDn": "ou=people", "userObjectFilter": "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=*))", "userObjectClass": "inetOrgPerson", "usernameAttribute": "uid", "firstNameAttribute": "givenName", "lastNameAttribute": "sn", "emailAttribute": "mail", "synchronizationEnabled": true, "defaultTeamId": 1, "defaultRoleId": 1, "updateTeamAndRoleUponLoginEnabled": false, "periodicalSynchronizationEnabled": true, "advancedTeamAndRoleMappingEnabled": false, "additionalGroupDn": "ou=groups", "groupObjectClass": "groupOfUniqueNames", "groupObjectFilter": "(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)", "groupNameAttribute": "cn", "groupMembersAttribute": "uniqueMember", "userMembershipAttribute": "memberOf" } ]
Retrieves details of all LDAP Servers. If the request fails, it returns an error response.
Create New LDAP Server - POST /LDAPServers
Create a new LDAP Server.
The ‘Manage Authentication Providers’ permission is required to execute this API.
POST /LDAPServers and create a new LDAP Server
POST /LDAPServers/TestConnection and test LDAP Server connection
Media Type (header):
Authorization: Bearer <access token value>
Content-Type: application/json;v=1.0
createLdapServerModel=[body]: Specifies the LDAP Server details
password=[string] - Password of the binding user
active=[boolean] - Whether this LDAP Server setting is active (true/false)
name=[string] - Ldap Server display name in Checkmarx (Open LDAP)
host=[string] - LDAP Server host
port=[integer] - LDAP Server Port
username=[string] - Username of the binding user (cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com)
useSsl=[boolean] - Whether to use SSL when connecting to this LDAP Server (false/true)
verifySslCertificate=[boolean] - Whether to verify SSL certificate (false/true)
baseDn=[string] - LDAP Server base DN (ou=testing,dc=example,dc=com)
additionalUserDn=[string] - Additional user DN (ou=people). This will limits users search to specified DN.
userObjectFilter=[string] - User object filter (objectclass=inetorgperson)
userObjectClass=[string] - User object class (inetorgperson)
usernameAttribute=[string] - User name attribute (uid)
firstNameAttribute=[string - First name attribute (givenName)
lastNameAttribute=[string] - Last name attribute (sn)
emailAttribute=[string] - Email attribute (mail)
ldapDirectoryType=[string] - Directory type. Possible values are CustomLDAPServer, ActiveDirectory, OpenLDAP.
ssoEnabled=[boolean] - Whether SSO is enabled for this LDAP Server (true/false)
synchronizationEnabled=[boolean] - Whether synchronization is enabled for this LDAP Server (false/true)
defaultTeamEnabled=[boolean] – Whether to enable default team(false/true)
defaultRoleEnabled=[boolean] – Whether to enable default role(false/true)
defaultTeamId=[integer] - Default team Id
defaultRoleId=[integer] - Default role Id
updateTeamAndRoleUponLoginEnabled=[boolean] - Whether to update user’s role and team upon login (true/false)
periodicalSynchronizationEnabled=[boolean] - Whether to enable periodical synchronization (true/false)
advancedTeamAndRoleMappingEnabled=[boolean] - Whether to enable advanced team and role mapping (false/true)
additionalGroupDn=[string] - Additional group DN (ou=groups). This will limit groups search to specified DN.
groupObjectClass=[string] - Group object class (groupOfUniqueNames)
groupObjectFilter=[string] - Group object filter (objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)
groupNameAttribute=[string] - Group name attribute (cn)
groupMembersAttribute=[string] - Group members attribute (uniqueMember)
userMembershipAttribute=[string] - User membership attribute (memberOf)
Success Response:
Code: 201 Success
Error Response:
Code: 400 Bad Request
Code: 401 Unauthorized
Code: 403 Forbidden
Sample Response:
no content
Returns the location of the created LDAP Server in the response header. Once the request is successful, it does not return any additional content. If the request fails, it returns an error response.
Get LDAP Server by Id - GET /LDAPServers/{id}
Get details of an LDAP Server according to LDAP Server Id.
The ‘Manage Authentication Providers’ permission is required to execute this API.
GET /LDAPServers/{id} and get details of an LDAP Server
PUT /LDAPServers/{id} and update LDAP Server details
Media Type (header):
Authorization: Bearer <access token value>
Accept: application/json;v=1.0
id=[integer] - Unique Id of the LDAP Server. LDAP Server Id (id) is retrieved using the LDAP Servers API.
Success Response:
Code: 200 Success
Error Response:
Code: 400 Bad Request
Code: 401 Unauthorized
Code: 403 Forbidden
Code: 404 Not Found
Sample Response:
[ { "id": 2, "active": true, "name": "microsoft.ldap", "host": "", "port": 389, "username": "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com", "useSsl": false, "verifySslCertificate": false, "ldapDirectoryType": "ActiveDirectory", "ssoEnabled": false, "mappedDomainId": null, "baseDn": "ou=automation,dc=example,dc=com", "additionalUserDn": "ou=people", "userObjectFilter": "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=*))", "userObjectClass": "inetOrgPerson", "usernameAttribute": "uid", "firstNameAttribute": "givenName", "lastNameAttribute": "sn", "emailAttribute": "mail", "synchronizationEnabled": true, "defaultTeamId": 1, "defaultRoleId": 1, "updateTeamAndRoleUponLoginEnabled": false, "periodicalSynchronizationEnabled": true, "advancedTeamAndRoleMappingEnabled": false, "additionalGroupDn": "ou=groups", "groupObjectClass": "groupOfUniqueNames", "groupObjectFilter": "(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)", "groupNameAttribute": "cn", "groupMembersAttribute": "uniqueMember", "userMembershipAttribute": "memberOf" } ]
Retrieves details of an LDAP Server according to the defined LDAP Server Id. If the request fails, it returns an error response.
Update LDAP Server - PUT /LDAPServers/{id}
Update LDAP Server details according to LDAP Server Id.
The ‘Manage Authentication Providers’ permission is required to execute this API.
GET /LDAPServers/{id} and get details of an LDAP Server
POST /LDAPServers/TestConnection and test LDAP Server connection
PUT /LDAPServers/{id} and update LDAP Server details
Media Type (header):
Authorization: Bearer <access token value>
Content-Type: application/json;v=1.0
id=[integer] - Unique Id of the LDAP Server. LDAP Server Id (id) is retrieved using the LDAP Servers API.
updateLdapServerModel=[body]: Specifies the LDAP Server details to update
password=[string] - Password of the binding user
active=[boolean] - Whether this LDAP Server setting is active (true/false)
name=[string] - Ldap Server display name in Checkmarx
host=[string] - LDAP Server host name
port=[integer] - LDAP Server Port
username=[string] - Username of the binding user
useSsl=[boolean] - Whether to use SSL when connecting to this LDAP Server (false/true)
verifySslCertificate=[boolean] - Whether to verify SSL certificate (false/true)
baseDn=[string] - LDAP Server base DN
additionalUserDn=[string] - Additional user DN. This will limits users search to specified DN.
userObjectFilter=[string] - User object filter
userObjectClass=[string] - User object class
usernameAttribute=[string] - User name attribute
firstNameAttribute=[string - First name attribute
lastNameAttribute=[string] - Last name attribute
emailAttribute=[string] - Email attribute
ldapDirectoryType=[string] - Directory type. Possible values are CustomLDAPServer, ActiveDirectory, OpenLDAP.
ssoEnabled=[boolean] - Whether SSO is enabled for this LDAP Server (true/false)
synchronizationEnabled=[boolean] - Whether synchronization is enabled for this LDAP Server (false/true)
defaultTeamId=[integer] - Default team Id
defaultRoleId=[integer] - Default role Id
defaultTeamEnabled=[boolean] – Whether to enable default team(false/true)
defaultRoleEnabled=[boolean] – Whether to enable default role(false/true)
updateTeamAndRoleUponLoginEnabled=[boolean] - Whether to update user’s role and team upon login (true/false)
periodicalSynchronizationEnabled=[boolean] - Whether to enable periodical synchronization (true/false)
advancedTeamAndRoleMappingEnabled=[boolean] - Whether to enable advanced team and role mapping (false/true)
additionalGroupDn=[string] - Additional group Dn. This will limit groups search to specified DN.
groupObjectClass=[string] - Group object class
groupObjectFilter=[string] - Group object filter
groupNameAttribute=[string] - Group name attribute
groupMembersAttribute=[string] - Group members attribute
userMembershipAttribute=[string] - User membership attribute
Success Response:
Code: 204 Success
Error Response:
Code: 400 Bad Request
Code: 401 Unauthorized
Code: 403 Forbidden
Code: 404 Not found
Sample Response:
no content
Updates an LDAP Server according to the LDAP Server Id and the defined parameters. Once the request is successful, it does not return any content. If the request fails, it returns an error response.
Delete LDAP Server – DELETE /LDAPServers/{id}
Delete an LDAP Server according to LDAP Server Id. Note that this action permanently deletes all related users.
The ‘Manage Authentication Providers’ permission is required to execute this API.
GET /LDAPServers and get details of all LDAP Servers
DELETE /LDAPServers/{id} and delete an LDAP Server
Media Type (header):
Authorization: Bearer <access token value>
Content-Type: application/json;v=1.0
id=[integer] - Unique Id of the LDAP Server. LDAP Server Id (id) is retrieved using the LDAP Servers API.
Success Response:
Code: 204 Success
Error Response:
Code: 400 Bad Request
Code: 401 Unauthorized
Code: 403 Forbidden
Code: 404 Not found
Sample Response:
no content
Deletes the LDAP Server according to the LDAP Server Id. Once the request is successful, it does not return any content. If the request fails, it returns an error response.