- Checkmarx Documentation
- Checkmarx SCA
- Checkmarx SCA (REST) API Documentation
- Checkmarx SCA (REST) API - Scan Upload
- Checkmarx SCA (REST) API - POST Scan
Checkmarx SCA (REST) API - POST Scan
Post Scan
Scan a previously uploaded ZIP file (or a GitHub file). The user specifies the Project ID and includes the previously generated Upload Link (or the GitHub file URL).
US Environment - https://api-sca.checkmarx.net/api/scans
EU Environment - https://eu.api-sca.checkmarx.net/api/scans
You need to have the Project ID of the project that you would like to scan in order to run the Scan Upload API. See Checkmarx SCA (REST) API - Projects.
To scan a zip file
POST /api/uploads
to generate an upload link.Use
PUT {upload_url}
, specifying the path to your ZIP file, to upload your file.Use
POST /api/scans
, specifying the Project ID and upload link, to scan the ZIP file.Use
GET /api/scans/{scanId}
to check the status of the scan.View the results using the Scan Reports API. Alternatively, you can view the results in the Checkmarx SCA web browser (UI), see Viewing Results.
To scan from GitHub repo
POST /api/scans
(along with the Project ID and GitHub URL) to scan the Project.Use
GET /api/scans/{scanId}
to check the status of the scan.View the results using the Scan Reports API. Alternatively, you can view the results in the Checkmarx SCA web browser (UI), see Viewing Results.
Curl Sample
curl -X POST "https://api-sca.checkmarx.net/api/scans" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" -d "<json body>" { "project" : { "id": "970d3dfa-4204-43c1-83f4-b3759f261234", "type": "upload", "handler": { "url": "https://uploads.sca.checkmarx.net/..." } } }
Media Type (header)
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
Accept: application/json
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Enums | Description |
project/id | string | - | The unique identifier of the Project. |
project/type | string |
| The Type of Project being scanned, options are:
project/handler/url | string | - | The Git url, or the |
Sample Body Parameter Code (Git URL)
{ "project" : { "id": "e7a64af1-1525-4ecb-b657-28131f471bf4", "type": "git", "handler": { "url": "https://github.com/OWASP/WebGoat.NET" } } }
Sample Body Parameter Code (ZIP file)
{ "project" : { "id": "f6ce5e79-ef06-4125-af3b-af848d62e847", "type": "upload", "handler": { "url": "{{uploadUrl}}" } } }
Success Response
Code: 201 Created
Attribute | Type | Enums | Description |
id | string | - | The unique identifier of the scan that was just initiated. |
status | string |
| The current status of the scan. |
created | string (date-time) | - | The date and time the scan was initiated. |
updated | string (date-time) | - | The date and time that the scan was last updated. |
userAgent (nullable) | string | - | The user or Agent that initiated the scan. |
initiator (nullable) | string | - | The intiator of the scan. |
tags (nullable) | string | - | Tags that are associated with this scan. |
Sample Success Response
{ "id": "e326b56e -a2d1-4b92-bb43-3a55b5ecbb79", "status": "Created", "created": "2021-04-13T09:22:20.6846407+00:00", "updated": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "userAgent": null, "initiator": null, "tags": null }
Error Response
Message: Message: |