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Running Scans via the CLI

Scans are run via the CLI using the scan create command.

scan create

The scan create command enables users to create and run new scans in Checkmarx One.


./cx scan create [flags]

Scanning Source Code

The scan create command can be used to scan source code using the following methods:

  • A compressed .zip archive

  • A repository URL

  • A local directory


    When you scan from a local directory, the CLI compresses the folder into a .zip archive and stores it in your system's temporary storage location until it is uploaded to Checkmarx One.

Scan Process

When a scan is run using multiple scanners, all scanners run in parallel.

When multiple scans are run in your account, the number of concurrent scans is specified in your account's license. This info is available under Account Settings > License > License Plan Summary. When the limit is exceeded, the scans are added to a queue which runs on a "first in first out" basis.


When you scan a folder that contains files with unsupported file formats, those files aren't scanned.

However, you can include those files in the scan by using the --file-include flag.

For more details see Scan with Inclusion of unsupported file formats

The following is a list of the supported extensions and file names that are included by default in scans.




















































































































The following is a list of the folders that are automatically excluded from scans because their content is generally not relevant.





File Filters

There are two methods for applying filters to files and folders for Checkmarx One scans.

  • Filter Entire Scan - exclusions are applied during the pre-scan process, so that the excluded files aren't sent to any of the scanners.

  • Filters for Specific Scanners - apply filters for a specific scanner during the scan process, so that the specified scanner doesn't analyze the excluded files.

Filter Entire Scan

--file-filter flag provides the ability to filter the scanned file list as follows:

  • Include files, file extensions.

  • Exclude files, file extensions and folders.

The scan create command uses two flags, --file-include and --file-filter, in synergy. First, it applies the --file-include flag (or the default list of included file types) to establish the baseline of which files to include in the scan. Then, it further refines the file selection by applying the filters specified in the --file-filter flag.

Supported Functionalities:

  • Provide wildcard support by using the * sign.

    For example - *.html

  • Provides the ability to exclude files, file extensions, and folders. This is being performed by using the ! sign.

    For example - !*.html,!src


    To exclude files, file extensions, and folders using the ! sign, use the argument in single quotes.

    For example:

    --file-filter !mycompany.jar

    For more details see Scan with exclusion of specific file or file type

  • Provides the ability to include files and file extensions.

    For example:

    • t* → Will include all the files starting with “t”.

    • *.txt → Will include all the files with “.txt” extension.


  • The --file-filter flag works only if the scanned source code is a directory or a zip file (not a GIT repository). However, this limitation does not apply when using the filter flags for specific scanners, see Filters for Specific Scanners.

  • Doesn’t support a full path.

    For example - java/src1/test.txt

  • .git folders and sub-folders can't be excluded

Filters for Specific Scanners

The following flags are used to apply filters to SAST, IaC Security and SCA scanners respectively: --sast-filter, --iac-security-filter, --sca-filter. You can use these flags to specify file types.


The filters for specific scanners can be used for all types of scans (directory, zip file or GIT repo), as opposed to --file-filter which does not work on GIT repositories.

The following are some examples of how these flags can be used:

  • for inclusion - --sast-filter *.java,

  • for exclusion - --sast-filter !*.java or --sca-filter !**\Dockerfile

If you would like to include only files inside specific folders, you need to first do a global exclude and then you can specify the folders to include.

For example:

--sast-filter !**/**,Folder01/**,**/Folder02/** would cause the SAST scanner to run only on files inside “Folder01” and “Folder02”.


For additional details about the syntax used for these filters, see Flags. Learn more about glob patterns syntax here.

Filters for Container Security Scanner

Container Security has a specialized set of filter settings that enable users to configure their scans for precision and relevance. Filters can be applied to files, folders, packages and images. The following filter options are available:

  • --containers-package-filter - Exclude packages by package name or file path using regex.

  • --containers-file-folder-filter - Specify files and folders to be included or excluded from scans.

  • --containers-image-tag-filter - Exclude images by image name and/or tag.

  • --containers-exclude-non-final-stages - Scan only the final deployable image.

For additional details about the usage and syntax for these filters, see Filter Usage Details.

Checkmarx SCA Resolver

Checkmarx SCA Resolver is an on-prem utility that enables you to resolve and extract dependencies and fingerprints from your source code and send them to the Checkmarx One SCA scanner for risk analysis. This enables you to run a comprehensive SCA scan without the need to send your actual source code to the cloud. It also enables you to scan private (local) dependencies that aren’t accessible to the Checkmarx SCA cloud platform. For Checkmarx One users, Resolver is used in Offline mode for dependency resolution and the results file is then sent for analysis via your Checkmarx One account.

In order to use the SCA Resolver with the Checkmarx One CLI, you need to download the Checkmarx SCA Resolver separately in a location that the Checkmarx One CLI can find. Find the latest download at Checkmarx SCA Resolver Download and Installation.

To use the SCA Resolver, you need to add the --sca-resolver flag to your command line with an argument with the path to your local installation of the Resolver executable. See example below, Scan using SCA Resolver.


When running a CLI scan that uses SCA Resolver, the source code must be in a local folder, not in a zip archive or a code repository.

To add additional arguments to Checkmarx SCA Resolver, use the flag --sca-resolver-params with any additional arguments that you need. If necessary to use spaces and/or quotes, wrap the arguments in double quotes and use single quotes inside the value. For a complete list of SCA Resolver configuration arguments, see Checkmarx SCA Resolver Configuration Arguments.


Only arguments that can be used in Offline mode can be applied to scans run via the Checkmarx One CLI Tool and plugins.

For more information about using SCA Resolver in Checkmarx One CI/CD integrations, see Using SCA Resolver in Checkmarx One CI/CD Integrations.


Configuring thresholds enables users to specify a threshold of vulnerability severities that, when found in a scan, will cause Checkmarx One to return a fail code for the scan. Users can then configure pipelines to break builds upon scan failure, so that scans that hit the threshold will break the build.

The threshold option supports a shorthand syntax with the format being a semi-colon separated list of key-value pairs.

The format for thresholds is <engine>-<severity>=<limit>

  • Options for engine: sast, iac-security, sca, api-security

  • Options for severity: Critical, High, Medium, Low, Info (Info is only for SAST engine)

  • Options for limit: A number equal to or greater than 1

More than one threshold can be defined for each engine and thresholds can be set for multiple engines. Multiple thresholds should be separated by a semi-colon. An OR operator is applied, so that if any one of the thresholds is reached the scan will fail.

For example, to set the threshold for SAST as 10 high severity or 20 medium severity vulnerabilities, and for SCA as 10 high severity vulnerabilities, use the following syntax:

--threshold "sast-high=10; sast-medium=20; sca-high=10; containers-high=5"


You can generate reports for the scan results as part of the scan create command.


You can also generate reports for previous scans using the results show command.

There are two main types of reports:

  • Scan summary report - gives a summary of the scan results, including the number of risks of various types and severity levels that were identified by the scan. This type of report is available in HTML, json, console and markdown format.

  • Complete scan report - a comprehensive report showing details about each of the risks identified in the scan. This type of report can be generated in json, sarif or sonar format.


    Reports generated via the CLI use the standard scan report format. There is a newer type of customized scan report that can be generated via API or from the web application.

You can also generate PDF reports, for which you can specify which sections you would like to include in the report. In addition, for PDF reports, you can specify one or more email recipients who will receive an email with a download link for the report.

To generate a report as part of the scan create command, add the --report-format flag, specifying the format you would like to generate.

For PDF reports, use the following flags to specify email recipients and to specify which sections to include in the report.

./cx scan create --project-name <Project Name> -s <path> --branch <branch name> --report-format pdf --report-pdf-email <recipient_email> --report-pdf-options <specify_sections>

For information about the content of scan reports, see Scan Reports.

SBOM Reports

You can generate SBOM reports for the open source packages identified in your project by the SCA scanner. Reports can be generated in CycloneDX and SPDX formats, with additional “property” fields showing supplemental risk data. The reports can be exported in XML (for CycloneDX only) or JSON format. You can generate SBOM reports for Checkmarx One projects on which the SCA scanner has run. For more info about Checkmarx SBOMs, see SBOM Reports.

Example for generating a CycloneDX SBOM report in JSON format:

./cx scan create --project-name <Project Name> -s <path> --branch <branch name> --report-format sbom --report-sbom-format CycloneDxJson

Container Security Scans


This section describes the procedure for running Container Security scans via the CLI for accounts that have the new Container Security functionality, as described here. For accounts using the legacy Container Security functionality, use the procedure described below.

When running scans via the CLI you can choose to scan the project files in order to analyze the Dockerfile in your project or you can submit specific images for scanning.

Authentication for Scanning Private Repos

In order to access private repos you need to be authenticated in your container repo at the time that you run the scan via Checkmarx One CLI.


In addition, even when using public repos in DockerHub there is an advantage to authenticating your user in order to avoid the limits that apply to anonymous requests to public repos.

Authentication can be done via Docker or Podman.

Before running the scan, it is recommended to verify that you are able to access the image on your local machine.

For details about authentication for specific registries, see Additional Info About Specific Registries.

Scan Procedure

  1. Run the scan create command with all required parameters, and specify container-security in the --scan-types.

    ./cx scan create --project-name <Project Name> -s <Repository URL> --branch <branch name> --scan-types container-security
  2. If you want to scan only specific images (not an entire project), do the following:

    1. Create a "dummy" folder in your project (for use in the -s parameter) and give it a name that indicates that it is used for scanning images, e.g., scan_ecr_image.

    2. In the CLI scan command, for the -s parameter give the path to the "dummy" folder that you created, e.g., /Users/DemoUser/scan_ecr_image.

  3. Add the --container-images flag followed by a comma separated list of images. Specify each image using the following syntax {image_name}:{image_tag}.

    ./cx scan create --project-name <Project Name> -s <Repository URL> --branch <branch name> --scan-types container-security --container-images “mycompany/myimage:myimagetag”


    For the syntax for images in specific registries, see Additional Info About Specific Registries.

You can run container scans via Resolver by adding the Resolver param --scan-containers. Learn more about Container Scans.

When scanning containers via Checkmarx One CLI, --containers-result-path parameter is required. The path must be set as follows:


  • <base_folder_path> must be identical to the value given for -s.

  • The precise file name .cxsca-container-results.json must be used.

The following is an example of a command for scanning containers in the project folder as well as specific images.

./cx scan create --project-name DemoContainerProject -s . --branch main --scan-types sca --debug --async --sca-resolver './ScaResolver' --sca-resolver-params "--log-level Debug --scan-containers --images manuelbcd/vulnapp:latest,debian:10 --containers-result-path /mnt/c/users/along/downloads/RuntimeHandlerTest/.cxsca-container-results.json"

Software Supply Chain Security (SCS)

SCS is a module within Checkmarx One that enables you to detect a wide range of risks affecting your software supply chain. Currently, this includes Secret Detection and Repository Health (OSSF Scorecard). For more information about SCS, see Software Supply Chain Security.

Scan Procedure

When running a scan via the CLI tool, you can now specify Software Supply Chain Security (SCS) as one of the scan engines to run. When running the Scorecard scanner, it is mandatory to submit the repo url and an access token with at least read permissions for that repo.

  1. Prepare the command to run a scan, using the scan create command and specifying the project name, branch and zip file location or repository URL using the --project-name , --branch and -s flags.

    ./cx scan create --project-name <Project name> --branch <branch name> -s <path to zip archive>
  2. By default, all licensed scanners are run, including SCS (assuming that all mandatory SCS parameters are specified). If you are using the --scan-types flag to specify the scanners that run, you need to explicitly include the scs scanner, e.g., --scan-types sast,scs.

  3. By default, when scs is included, both Secret Detection and OSSF Scorecard are run. If you would like to run only one of these scanners, add the --scs-engines flag and specify the engine that you want to run: secret-detection, or scorecard.

  4. When running the scorecard scanner, it is mandatory to add the following flags:

    • --scs-repo-url <string> - specifying the URL of the repo that you are scanning.


      Even when -s specifies a repo url, you still need to use this flag to submit the URL for the SCS scanner.

    • --scs-repo-token <string> - specifying a token with read permission on the specified repo.


      This flag is required for both private and public repos.

  5. If you would like to generate a scan report (optional), add the --report-format flag, specifying the desired format (e.g., --report-format json). For more information about scan reports, see here.


    PDF format is not supported for the SCS scanner.

  6. Run the scan command.

    The following is an example of a command to run SAST on a zip archive and run Scorecard on the project's repo.

    user@laptop:~/ast-cli$ ./cx scan create -s . --branch master --project-name Test111 --scan-types sast,scs --scs-engines scorecard --scs-repo-url --scs-repo-token <TOKEN> --report-format json

Exit Codes

When a scan finishes, it generates an exit code indicating whether or not the scan completed successfully. In case of failure, the exit code also indicates which scanner in particular failed.

These exit codes can be retrieved using a standard command in your shell, for example:

  • Powershell - $LastExitCode

  • CMD - echo %ErrorLevel%

  • MAC - echo $?

The following is a list of possible exit codes:

In addition, Checkmarx One provides a dedicated command, results exit-code, that retrieves detailed information about scan failures.



Whenever a parameter value (e.g., project name, file location etc.) has a space or other special character in it, it needs to be escaped either by enclosing it in quotes or using an escape character. The specific syntax for escaping characters will vary depending on the command-line interface or programming language you are using.

--application-name <string>

Specify an application to which this project will be assigned.

Note: This is only effective when creating a new project and assigning it to an existing application.


Do not wait for scan completion.


This flag is only available when using the CLI directly, not when using CLI commands via CI/CD plugins.

--branch <string>, -b <string> (Required)

Branch to scan.

This is a required flag even when scanning from a zip archive. If the zip archive doesn't represent a specific branch, you can submit .unknown as the value and it will be shown in the UI as "N/A". (You should not enter N/A as the value, as this will be misinterpreted by the system.)

--container-images <string>

Submit a comma separated list of images to be scanned. Specify each image using the following syntax {image_name}:{image_tag}. For the syntax for images in specific registries, see Additional Info About Specific Registries.


This flag can only be used when the container-security scanner is running, see --scan-types.


Exclude all images that are not from the final stage of the build process, so that only the final deployable image is scanned.


Only supported for Dockerfile images.

--containers-file-folder-filter <string>

Specify files and folders to be included (allow list) or excluded from (block list) scans.


  • Including a file type - *.java

  • Excluding a file type - !*.java

  • Use “,” sign to chain file types

    for example: *.java,*.js

  • The parameter also supports including/excluding folders.

  • Regex is not supported.

--containers-image-tag-filter <string>

Exclude images by image name and/or tag.


  • image-name:image-tag - exclude by image name and tag

  • image-name - exclude by image name

  • :image-tag - exclude by image tag


You can use wildcard (*) at the beginning, end or both.

--containers-package-filter <string>

Prevent sensitive private packages from being sent to the cloud for analysis. Exclude packages by package name or file path using regex.

Syntax: Regex

--file-filter <string>, -f <string>

Source file filtering pattern. Refer to File Filters.

--file-include <string>

Comma separated list of additional file extensions to be included in the scan.

For example: *.java2,file.txt

--file-source <string>, -s <string> (Required)

The path to the compressed zip file, the path to the folder or the repository URL to scan.

--filter <string>
  • Filter the list of results.

  • Use ';' as the delimiter for arrays.

  • Available filters are:

    scan-id, limit, offset, sort, include-nodes, note-ids, query, group, status, severiity, state.

  • Options for severity, state, status:

    • severity - Critical, High, Medium, Low, Info (Info is only for SAST scanner).



      The state filter can be applied either by submitting a separate value for each state to include, or by submitting the value EXCLUDE_NOT_EXPLOITABLE in order to exclude only NOT_EXPLOITABLE.

    • status - NEW, RECURRENT, FIXED.

--help, -h

Help for the create command.

--iac-security-filter <string>

Filter option specific to IaC Security scan

  • Including a file type - *.java

  • Excluding a file type - !*.java

  • Use "," sign to chain filter types.

    For example: *.java,*.js

  • The parameter also supports including/excluding folders.

--iac-security-platforms <string>, <string>

Specify the platforms that you would like the IaC Security scan to run on.

When this flag is used, it overrides your account's default settings.


Use this flag to ignore policies. For example, if you have a policy that will break the build if a high severity vulnerability is identified in the project, you can use this flag to prevent the scan from failing.

--output-name <string> (Default: "cx_result")

Output file name.

--output-path <string> (Default: ".")

Output path.

--project-groups <string>

List of groups associated with projects.

For example: (groupA,groupB).

Limitation: This flag only works when creating a new project. For an existing project, it won't update the groups.

--project-name <string> (Required)

Name of the project.

When using the --project-name flag, the Project name must be written in quotes if there is a space in the project name.

For example: Test, Test1, "Test 1".

--project-private-package NOT FULLY SUPPORTED YET (Default: false)

You can designate a scan as a "Private Package" and assign a package version to it. Once a private package has been scanned, info about the risks affecting that package will be identified by SCA when that package version is used in any of you projects. You can download an article about private packages here.

True = designate as private package.

False = not a private package.

When using this flag, you should also specify the package version using --sca-private-package-version.

--project-tags <string>

List of tags to associate to projects.

For example: (tagA,tagB:val, etc)


When this flag is used, the tags that are submitted overwrite any existing tags that were assigned to the project.

--report-format <string> (Default: summaryConsole)

Report output format.

Specify one of the following:

json, summaryHTML, summaryJSON, summaryCONSOLE, sarif, gl-sast, gl-sca, sonar, markdown or PDF, SBOM

Report formats json, sarif, gl-sast and sonar generate complete scan reports (gl-sast returns only sast results and gl-sca returns only SCA results).

Report formats summaryHTML, summaryJSON, summaryCONSOLE and markdown generate summary reports.

For SBOM reports, you need to add the --report-sbom-format flag to specify the SBOM standard and output format.

--report-pdf-email <string>

Specify email recipients who will receive the pdf report. Multiple emails are separated by a ",".

This flag can only be used when --report-format is set as pdf.

--report-pdf-options <string> (Default: All Sections)

Specify the sections that will be included in the pdf format report.

This flag can only be used when --report-format is set as pdf.

Available sections are: Sast, Sca, Iac-Security, ScanSummary, ExecutiveSummary, and ScanResults.

ScanResults includes results for all scanners (IaC-Security, Sast and Sca).

--report-sbom-format (Default: CycloneDxJson)

The type of SBOM standard (CycloneDX or SPDX) as well as the output format.

Specify one of the following:

CycloneDxJson, CycloneDxXml, SpdxJson

This needs to be specified when the --report-format is set to "SBOM".


Apply the configurations used in the most recent scan in this project branch to the current scan.

Even when this flag is used, if an argument in the current scan differs from the configuration of the previous scan, the argument in the current scan takes precedence.

--sast-fast-scan boolean

True = Run SAST scan using Fast Scan mode.

False = Do not run SAST scan using Fast Scan mode.


If this flag is sent with no value (not recommended), then it is interpreted as `true`. If the flag is not sent then the default project or account settings are applied.

--sast-filter <string>

Filter option specific to SAST engine or scan.

  • Including a file type - *.java

  • Excluding a file type - !*.java

  • Use "," sign to chain filter types.

    For example: *.java,*.js

  • The parameter also supports including/excluding folders.

--sast-incremental boolean

True = Run SAST scan as Incremental scan.

False = Do not run SAST scan as Incremental (i.e., run full scan).


If this flag is sent with no value (not recommended), then it is interpreted as `true`. If the flag is not sent then the default project or account settings are applied.

--sast-preset-name <string>

The name of the Checkmarx preset to use.

--sca-exploitable-path <string>

Enable/disable the Exploitable Path feature for this scan.

true = enabled

false = disabled


This flag must be sent with a value of true or false. If the flag is not sent, then the default project or account settings are applied.

Learn more about Exploitable Path.

--sca-filter <string>

Filter option specific to SCA engine or scan.

  • Including a file type - *.java

  • Excluding a file type - !*.java

  • Use "," sign to chain file types.

    For example: *.java,*.js

  • The parameter also supports including/excluding folders.


Adding this flag filters out dev and test dependencies from SCA results shown in scan reports.

Note: This flag is only relevant when running a scan with the SCA scanner and using the --report-format flag to generate a report. Currently, this is not supported for PDF or SBOM reports.

--sca-last-sast-scan-time <integer> (Default: 1)

Specify the number of days that SAST scan results are considered valid for use in Exploitable Path (i.e., if there is no current SAST scan, how many days prior to the current SCA scan will Checkmarx One look for a SAST scan to use for analyzing Exploitable Path).

Options: integer ≥ 1


Only full SAST scans are used for Expoitable Path, results from incremental scans aren't considered.


The --sca-last-sast-scan-time flag is only supported for single-tenant environments, not for multi-tenant.

--scan-info-format <string> (Default: list)
  • Selects the scan info output format.

  • Select one of the follwoing formats:

    list, table, json

--scan-timeout <int>

Cancel the scan and fail after the timeout in minutes.

--scan-types <string> (Default: all scanners licensed for your account)

Scan engines to be run for this scan.

For example: (sast,iac-security,sca,api-security,container-security,scs).

--sca-private-package-version NOT FULLY SUPPORTED YET (Default: False)

When you designate a scan as a private package using the --project-private-package flag, you should also specify the package version using this flag.

e.g., 0.1.1

You can download an article about private packages here.

--sca-resolver-params <string>

Additional arguments to use with CxSCA Resolver. The arguments can be found here. The SCA Resolver runs in offline mode, only arguments compatible with this mode will work. The resolver params must be enclosed in quotes "", see example below.

--sca-resolver <string>

Use Checkmarx SCA Resolver to locally resolve SCA project dependencies. Specify the path to your local installation of SCA Resolver binary (executable).

When running a CLI scan that uses SCA Resolver, the source code must be in a local folder, not in a zip archive or a code repository.

--scs-engines <string> (Default: All supported SCS scanners)

SCS scan engines to run for this scan. Options: secret-detection,scorecard

This flag can only be used when the scs scanner is used for the scan (either by default or by specifying it in --scan-types).

--scs-repo-token <string>

Submit a token with read permission on the specified repo.


This flag is required for both private and public repos.

--scs-repo-url <string>

Specify the URL of the repo that you are scanning.


Even when -s specifies a repo url, you still need to use this flag to submit the URL for the SCS scanner.

--ssh-key <string>

Path to ssh private key.

--tags <string>

List of tags associated to scans.

For example: (tagA,tagB:val,etc)

--threshold <string>

Threshold count of severity of scan results based on the engine.

The threshold format is:


For more information, see Threshold.

--wait-delay <int> (Default: 5 seconds)

Polling wait time (seconds) to get scan status.


Scan from a Git repository

./cx scan create --project-name <Project Name> -s <Repository URL> --branch <branch name>

Sample command:

C:\ast-cli_2.0.53_windows_x64>cx scan create  --project-name elidemo -s --branch master

Sample response:

Scan ID      : 492e1626-9489-4ee9-ac1b-628de56c5e33
Project ID   : a1b1b151-d763-4f34-bfbc-de8c1422c02c
Project Name : elidemo
Status       : Running
Created at   : 08-07-23
Branch       : master
Tags         : []
Type         : Full
Timeout      : NONE
Initiator    : eli
Origin       : ASTCLI 2.0.53
Engines      : [ sast kics sca apisec]

2023/08/07 22:14:02 Scan Finished with status:  Completed
            Scan Summary:
              Created At: 2023-08-07, 22:07:57
              Project Name: elidemo
              Scan ID: 492e1626-9489-4ee9-ac1b-628de56c5e33

            Results Summary:
              Risk Level: High Risk

              API Security - Total Detected APIs: 0

            Policy Management Violation:
              Policy: DemoHigh | Break Build: false | Violated Rules: highVulnerability;

              Total Results: 170
              |             High: 90            |
              |           Medium: 66            |
              |              Low: 13            |
              |             Info: 1             |
              |     IAC-SECURITY: 41            |
              |             SAST: 0             |
              |   APIS WITH RISK: 0             |
              |              SCA: 129           |

              Checkmarx One - Scan Summary & Details:

Scan from a source directory

./cx scan create -s <path> --branch <branch name> --project-name <Project Name>

Sample command:

user@laptop:~/ast-cli$ ./cx scan create -s . --branch main --project-name Test111

Scan in asynchronous mode

./cx scan create --project-name <Project Name> -s <Repository URL> --branch <branch name> --async

Sample command:

user@laptop:/AST$ ./cx scan create --project-name demo -s . --branch main --async

Scan using specific scanners

./cx scan create --project-name <Project Name> -s <Repository URL> --branch <branch name> --scan-types <scan types>

Sample command:

user@laptop:/AST$ ./cx scan create --project-name demo -s . --branch main --scan-types iac-security

Scan using SCA Resolver

./cx scan create --project-name <Project Name> -s <path> --branch <branch name> --sca-resolver <path-to-resolver> --sca-resolver-params <additional-resolver-arguments>

Sample command:

user@laptop:/AST$ ./cx scan create --project-name demo --scan-types sast,sca -s . --sca-resolver /sca/scaResolver --sca-resolver-params "-q -e my_file" --async

Scan with Inclusion of unsupported file formats

./cx scan create -s <path> --branch <branch name> --project-name <Project Name> --file-include <string>

Sample command:

user@laptop:~/ast-cli$ ./cx scan create -s ./Source-Folder/ --branch main --project-name Test111 --file-include sample.txt,*.myextension

Scan with exclusion of specific file or file type

./cx scan create -s <path> --branch <branch name> --project-name <Project Name> --file-filter <string>

Sample command:

user@laptop:~/ast-cli$ ./cx scan create -s scan_files/ --branch main --project-name Test111 --file-filter !*mycompany*.jar

Scan with exclusion of a specific folder

./cx scan create -s <path> --branch <branch name> --project-name <Project Name> --file-filter <folder name>

Sample command:

user@laptop:~/ast-cli$ ./cx scan create -s scan_files/ --branch main --project-name Test111 --file-filter !main

Scan with threshold

./cx scan create --project-name <Project Name> -s <path> --branch <branch name> --threshold <engine>-<severity>=<limit>

Sample command:

user@laptop:/ast-cli$ ./cx scan create --project-name myproject -s --branch main --threshold sast-high=1

Sample response:

         Created At: 2022-01-26, 11:24:20
               Risk: High Risk
         Project ID: 49e6d565-933b-4a55-8d08-ec026ddcd7e2
            Scan ID: bdab6a9e-eb90-4cab-8783-5c3a2a052b31
       Total Issues: 28
        High Issues: 3
      Medium Issues: 11
         Low Issues: 14
IaC Security Issues: 18
      CxSAST Issues: 9
       CxSCA Issues: 1
2022/01/26 11:25:14 Threshold check finished with status Failed : sast-high: Limit = 1, Current = 2 |

Scan and send report to email recipient

./cx scan create --project-name <Project Name> -s <path> --branch <branch name> --report-format pdf --report-pdf-email <recipient_email> <specify_sections>

Sample command:

user@laptop:/ast-cli$ ./cx scan create --project-name EliCLIDemo -s . --branch main --report-format pdf --report-pdf-email ExecutiveSummary 

Sample response:

2023/08/07 22:30:45 Scan Finished with status:  Completed
2023/08/07 22:30:56 Sending PDF report to:  []
            Scan Summary:
              Created At: 2023-08-07, 22:24:56
              Project Name: elidemo
              Scan ID: 861ce408-f355-4692-9bff-3d35a6c17170

            Results Summary:
              Risk Level: High Risk

              API Security - Total Detected APIs: 0

            Policy Management Violation:
              Policy: EliHigh | Break Build: false | Violated Rules: high;

              Total Results: 170
              |             High: 90            |
              |           Medium: 66            |
              |              Low: 13            |
              |             Info: 1             |
              |     IAC-SECURITY: 41            |
              |             SAST: 0             |
              |   APIS WITH RISK: 0             |
              |              SCA: 129           |

              Checkmarx One - Scan Summary & Details: