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The configure command can be used by itself or with a sub-command.


./cx project [command] [flags]


--help, -h

Help for the project command.

Project Commands

project can be used with the following commands:

project create

The project create command enables the ability to create a new project in Checkmarx One.


./cx project create [flags]


--application-name <string>

Specify an application to which this project will be assigned.

Note: This flag can only be used to assign a project to an application that already exists, not to create a new application.

--branch <string> (Default: main)

The name of the branch.

--format <string> (Default: table)

The output format for the response. Possible values are json, list or table.


List of groups.


Help for the create command.

--project-name <string>

Name of the project.

--repo-url <string>

Project Repository URL.

--ssh-key <string>

Path to ssh private key.

--tags <string>

List of tags. For example: tagA, tagB:value

Workflow Examples

Create a New Project
./cx project create --project-name <Project Name>
ophir@OphirS-Laptop:~/ast-cli$ ./cx project create --project-name "Test1"

Project ID                           Name  Created at Tags Groups 
----------                           ----  ---------- ---- ------ 
ce46df28-7f33-49fe-88cb-337fe8eb2c39 Test1 09-29-21   []   []     

project delete

The project delete is used to delete a project in Checkmarx One.


./cx project delete --project-id <project-id> [flags]


--help, -h

Help for the delete command.


Project ID to delete.

Workflow Example

Delete a Project
user@laptop:/AST$ ./cx.exe project delete --project-id fa5eeaac-2ec7-4fa7-946e-ed2f2e5ff8cd

project list

The project list command provides a list of all the projects in Checkmarx One.


./cx project list [flags]


--filter <string> (Default: return the first 20 records.)


You can set the limit value as 0 in order to return all records.

Filter the projects list.

  • Use the ";" sign as the delimiter for arrays.

  • Available filters are: limit, offset, id, ids, id-regex, tags-keys, tags-values


    You can filter for projects with no tags by specifying NONE for both tags-keys and tags-values, i.e., --filter tags-keys=NONE,tags-values=NONE.

--format <string> (Default: table)

The output format for the response.

Possible values are json, list or table.

--help, -h

Help for the list command.


This command uses pagination. By default it returns the first 20 results (i.e., limit=20,offset=0). Use limit to adjust the maximum number of results to return and offset to specify the number of results to skip before starting to return results. You can use offset=0 and limit=0 to get all results.

Example: The following command returns records 21-30

./cx project list --filter "limit=10,offset=20"

Applying Filters

You can limit results by using pagination and/or by filtering by various project attributes such as project IDs and project tags.

Filters are applied using the following syntax:

./cx project list --filter "attributeA=value1,attributeB=value1;value2;value3,..."

Example: The following command returns records for specific projects, based on project IDs.

./cx project list --filter "ids=7b70e4b6-4288-467b-8fa2-9c6c0ad0bd08;e231cf6d-f031-4290-b014-7c6ec343f793"

When multiple filter attributes are used, an AND operator is applied between attributes. When multiple values are given for an attribute, an OR operator is used between values.

Example: The following command returns records for all projects that have the tag key "product" and a tag value of either "AppA", "AppB" or "AppC".

./cx project list --filter "tags-keys=product,tags-values=AppA;AppB;AppC,limit=0"


For each project, the following items are returned: Project ID, Project Name, Date that the project was created, and Tags and Groups associated with the project.

When results are returned in json format, an additional item updatedAt is returned, giving the date of the most recent edit of the project settings.


The date given for updatedAt relates only to editing the project settings and not to running scans, generating reports or other activities on the project.


Using the project list command with various --format flags

ophir@OphirS-Laptop:~/ast-cli$ ./cx project list --format table

Project ID                           Name                                   Created at Tags    Groups                                 
----------                           ----                                   ---------- ----    ------                                 
ce46df28-7f33-49fe-88cb-337fe8eb2c39 Test1                                  09-29-21   []      []                                     
d7b56888-8407-4e9b-ae5b-7fc43233a497 Test111                                08-25-21   []      []                                     
d6fe8ab4-becd-49ff-987f-ec5ee02cc614 EffProj                                09-22-21   []      []                                     
ophir@OphirS-Laptop:~/ast-cli$ ./cx project list --format list

Project ID : ce46df28-7f33-49fe-88cb-337fe8eb2c39
Name       : Test1
Created at : 09-29-21
Tags       : []
Groups     : []

Project ID : d7b56888-8407-4e9b-ae5b-7fc43233a497
Name       : Test111
Created at : 08-25-21
Tags       : []
Groups     : []

Project ID : d6fe8ab4-becd-49ff-987f-ec5ee02cc614
Name       : EffProj
Created at : 09-22-21
Tags       : []
Groups     : []

project show

The project show command provides information about a project in Checkmarx One.


./cx project show --project-id <project-id> [flags]


--format <string> (Default: table)

The output format for the response. Possible values are json, list or table.

---help, -h

Help for the show command.

--project-id <string> (Required)

Project ID to show.


For each project, the following items are returned: Project ID, Project Name, Date that the project was created, and Tags and Groups associated with the project.

If the project configuration has been edited after the initial creation, then an additional item updatedAt is returned, giving the date of the most recent edit.


The date given for updatedAt relates only to project configuration and not to running of scans, generating reports or other activities.

Workflow Examples

Use the project show command with various format flags
ophir@OphirS-Laptop:~/ast-cli$ ./cx project show --project-id ce46df28-7f33-49fe-88cb-337fe8eb2c39 --format table

Project ID                           Name  Created at Tags Groups 
----------                           ----  ---------- ---- ------ 
ce46df28-7f33-49fe-88cb-337fe8eb2c39 Test1 09-29-21   []   []     
ophir@OphirS-Laptop:~/ast-cli$ ./cx project show --project-id ce46df28-7f33-49fe-88cb-337fe8eb2c39 --format list

Project ID : ce46df28-7f33-49fe-88cb-337fe8eb2c39
Name       : Test1
Created at : 09-29-21
Tags       : []
Groups     : []
ophir@OphirS-Laptop:~/ast-cli$ ./cx project show --project-id ce46df28-7f33-49fe-88cb-337fe8eb2c39 --format json

project tags

The tags command provides a list of all the available tags in your tenant.

Tags are also used for overriding Jira feedback apps fields values. For additional information see:

Fields Override


./cx project tags [flags]


---help, -h

Help for the tags command.


Using the tags Command
ophir@OphirS-Laptop:~/ast-cli$ ./cx project tags

project branches

The branches command provides a list of all the available branches in Checkmarx One.


./cx project branches [flags]


--filter <string> (Default: return the first 20 records.)


You can set the limit value as 0 in order to return all records.

Filter the branches returned within the specified project. Options are: branch-name, limit, and offset

  • Use the ";" sign as the delimiter for arrays.

  • Available filters are: branch-name, limit, and offset

---help, -h

Help for the branches command.

--project-id <string> (Required)

Project ID of the project for which you would like to retrieve the branches.


Using the project branches command
ophir@OphirS-Laptop:~/ast-cli$ ./cx project branches --project-id 5a529813-62bc-4d56-89a0-11ffc37b3bc6