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Configuring Projects

Open Project Settings

In the Applications and Projects home page, click on Actions icon →Project Settings.


General Settings

The General section of Project Settings contains the following basic settings for the project:

  • Project Name - The name of the project that you assigned.

  • Groups (optional) - This setting allows you to assign groups to a project.

    When a group is assigned to a project, all members of that group are able to perform various actions in the project, including scanning source code and viewing results.

  • Project Tags (optional) - Assign tags to a project.

    • Tags are very useful for projects filtering purposes.

    • Tags have no dependencies in any other component, and it is possible to configure any required value.

    • Tags are not shared across projects.

      For example: Projects A and B contain Test tag. Upon a change in project A tag, project B will not be affected and will remain with the same Test tag.

    • Tags can be used for overriding Jira feedback app fields values. For additional information see Fields Override.

    • Tags can be configured in two different formats:

      • key - <string>

      • key:value - <key string:value string>

    • Tags values can be updated by clicking the tag and updating its value.


    The max. allowed characters per tag is 250, including the entire string (key or key:value). Commas are not allowed as part of a tag.

  • Skip Submodules (optional) - Enable this option to skip scanning repository submodules during project scans. By default, this option is set to false.

  • Repository URL - The repository URL from which the source code for this project is scanned by default. This value can be added when creating a Manual Scan project that scans coder from a Repository URL.

  • Token - The default token for private repository URLs.

  • SSH - Create and add your SSH key.

  • Set Criticality Level - Set the Project criticality level (manual configuration).

    The Criticality level is included in the Project Overview page.

    This option has 5 levels:

    • 1 - None

    • 2 - Low

    • 3 - Medium (default)

    • 4 - High

    • 5 - Critical

Project Rules

Project Rules allow the user to set parameters on the Project level.

Project configuration parameters are higher than the same parameter’s configuration via Configuring Scanner Default Settings.

This means that the parameters will apply to all the scans in the project.


  • API Security does not support project rules at present.

  • Parameters that are configured via Configuring Scanner Default Settings are inherited to the Project Settings only, if the user configured them to Allow Override.

  • In case that Allow Override isn’t enabled for a specific parameter in the Configuring Scanner Default Settings, it won’t appear as an option on the Project Settings level.

  • "Allow override" is selected by default for all the rules under Project Settings.

  • It isn’t possible to configure the same parameter twice (in any configuration level).

  • Each scanner has a different set of parameters.


Global Settings:


Inherited Settings:


If a greyed-out defaultConfig.xml file appears in the Project Settings, it indicates that customized settings for the default configuration were implemented at the tenant level with the intention of improving scan results or to assist in troubleshooting issues. Once these settings are established, they are automatically applied to every project. For additional information, reach out to support or contact your Product Account Manager (PAM) directly.

To add a new rule click + Add Rule.

Scanners Parameters Configuration Options

SAST Scanner Parameters

The table below presents all the optional parameters for the SAST scanner and their optional values.


There is an additional configuration option for filtering, which compliance results to show. This can currently only be configured via REST API. See API documentation.





All the available SAST Presets that exist in the system

  • For the full Presets list (including descriptions) go to the following link:

    Predefined Presets

  • The default preset that is used is ASA Premium


true / false

By default, the Fast Scan mode is false.

For more information, refer to Fast Scan Mode.

Light Queries


Determines whether the scan should be performed using light queries or standard queries. Light Queries are simplified versions of standard queries focusing on the most urgent vulnerabilities, helping you spot threats faster.

For more information, refer to Light Queries.

  • When set to true, SAST will scan using light queries, quickly focusing on the most immediate and exploitable weaknesses.

  • When set to false, SAST will not scan using light queries; it will scan using standard queries.


true / false

Determines whether the scan should be performed incrementally or as a full scan.

  • When set to true, SAST will only scan the code changes made since the last scan, significantly reducing the scan time and resource usage.

  • When set to false, SAST will perform a full scan. Full scans are more comprehensive but take longer to complete and use more resources.


true / false

Determines whether the system should automatically exclude certain files and folders from the scan.

  • When set to true, SAST applies predefined exclusions, allowing developers to scan faster and focus on the most relevant code areas.

  • SAST will include all files and directories in the scan when set to false.


primary / multi

For more information, see:

Specifying a Code Language for Scanning

Supported Code Languages and Frameworks:


By default, the languageMode is Multi.


Allow users to select specific folders or files to include or exclude from the code scanning process.

  • Including a file type - *.java

  • Excluding a file type - !*.java

  • Use “,” sign to chain file types

    for example: *.java,*.js

  • The parameter also supports including/excluding folders.

  • regex is not supported.


true / false

  • true = Enables PRINT_DEBUG mode.

  • false = Enables PRINT_LOG mode.

ASA Premium Preset

ASA Premium Preset is a part of the SAST collection of presets.

This Preset is available only for Checkmarx One. Its usage is described in the table below.



Includes vulnerability queries for....

ASA Premium

The ASA Premium preset contains a subset of vulnerabilities that Checkmarx AppSec Accelerator team considers to be the starting point of the Checkmarx AppSec program.

The preset might change in future versions. The AppSec Accelerator team will remove old/deprecated queries or include new and improved queries in a continuously manner.

Apex, ASP, CPP, CSharp, Go, Groovy, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin (non-mobile only), Perl, PHP, PLSQL, Python, Ruby, Scala, VB6, VbNet, Cobol, RPG and VbScript coding languages.

ASA Premium Mobile

The ASA Premium Mobile preset is a dedicated preset designed for mobile apps.

The ASA Premium Mobile preset contains a subset of vulnerabilities that Checkmarx AppSec Accelerator team considers to be the starting point of the Checkmarx AppSec program.

The preset might change in future versions. The AppSec Accelerator team will remove old/deprecated queries or include new and improved queries in a continuously manner.

Apex, ASP, CPP, CSharp, Go, Groovy, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin (non-mobile only), Perl, PHP, PLSQL, Python, Ruby, Scala, VB6, VbNet, Cobol, RPG and VbScript coding languages.

Fast Scan Configuration

Fast Scan configuration aims to find the perfect balance between thorough security tests and the need for quick and actionable results. There’s no need to choose between speed and security. Alongside the Base Preset, we are thrilled to announce a new scan mode designed to speed up the scan: Fast Scan mode.

Fast Scan mode decreases the scanning time of projects up to 90%, making it faster to identify relevant vulnerabilities and enable continuous deployment while ensuring that security standards are followed. This will help developers tackle the most relevant vulnerabilities.

While the Fast Scan configuration identifies the most significant and relevant vulnerabilities, the In-Depth scan mode offers deeper coverage. For the most critical projects with a zero-vulnerability policy, it is advised also to use our In-Depth scan mode


To expedite the results retrieval, the scanning process has been optimized to reduce the number of stages and flows involved in the scan. With this enhancement, the queries related to Fusion are not executed and results won’t be generated when utilizing this new mode.

You may also notice impact on the API Security scanner results.

Light Queries

Light Queries are simplified versions of existing queries that focus on the most exploitable vulnerabilities. They help you prioritize threats while filtering out uncommon edge cases for clearer analysis. Light Queries are not intended to replace the more robust standard queries but offer an alternative form of analyzing code by focusing on the most immediate threats and readily exploitable weaknesses as quickly as possible. These queries offer a more straightforward way to analyze code, giving you key findings without the complexity. The Light Queries have a more restrictive subset of results regarding inputs and sinks and a broader one regarding sanitizers.


Consider the following when Light Queries are enabled:

  • The Similarity ID, source, and sync remain unchanged whether or not Light Queries are enabled.

  • When Light Queries are enabled, the scan results are a subset of those from a standard query (i.e., when Light Queries are disabled).

  • When scanning with Light Queries enabled, the scan will likely get fewer results.

Supported Languages and Detected Vulnerabilities
Enabling Light Queries

Enable Light Queries under the Account Settings page by setting its value to true. By default, Light Queries are set to false (disabled), and the Allow Override option is enabled.


When creating a new project, on the project settings page, you must enable Light Queries as a rule. To add Light Queries as a rule, perform the following:

  1. Click + Add Rule. The scanner, mode, and value dropdown options appear.

  2. Select SAST, light queries, and true for the scanner, mode, and value dropdowns.

  3. Select Create Project when finished.


To delete a rule, click Trash_icon.png at the end of the rule's row.

IaC Security Scanner Parameters

The parameters that will be defined for the IaC Security scanner will be applied to all the Projects running IaC Security scans.

The table below presents all the optional parameters and their optional values.




Folder/file filter

Allow users to select specific folders or files to include or exclude from the code-scanning process.

  • Including a file type - *.java

  • Excluding a file type - !*.java

  • Use “,” sign to chain file types.

    for example: *.java,*.js

  • The parameter also supports including/excluding folders.

  • regex is not supported.


  • Ansible 

  • AzureResourceManager

  • Buildah

  • CICD

  • CloudFormation

  • Crossplane 

  • DockerCompose

  • Dockerfile

  • GoogleDeploymentManager

  • GRPC

  • Knative

  • Kubernetes

  • OpenAPI

  • Pulumi

  • ServerlessFW

  • Terraform


Configure one or more platforms, separated by a comma.

The parameter means that you only want to run scans (queries) for those platforms.

For example: Ansible, CloudFormation, Dockerfile


Any mistake in the platform characters will cause an error.

Preset Name

All the available IaC Security Presets that exist in the system

SCA Scanner Parameters

The parameters that will be defined for the SCA scanner will be applied for all the Projects that will run SCA scans.

The table below presents all the optional parameters, and their optional values.




Folder/file filter

Allow users to select specific folders or files that they want to include or exclude from the code scanning process.

  • Including a file type - *.java

  • Excluding a file type - !*.java

  • Use “,” sign to chain file types.

    for example: *.java,*.js

  • The parameter also supports including/excluding folders.

  • regex is not supported.

Exploitable Path

Toggle On/Off

When Exploitable Path is activated, scans that use the SCA scanner will identify whether or not there is an exploitable path from your source code to the vulnerable 3rd party package.

Learn more about Exploitable Path.

Exploitable Path Configuration

Radio button selection

The Exploitable Path feature uses queries in the SAST scan of your project to identify exploitable paths to vulnerable 3rd party packages. Therefore, it is always necessary to run a SAST scan on the project in order to get results for Exploitable Path.

Whenever you run a Checkmarx One scan with both the SAST and SCA scanners selected, Exploitable Path uses the results of the current SAST scan for analysis. When you run a Checkmarx One scan with only the SCA scanner selected, Checkmarx One can either use results from a previous SAST scan or it can initiate a new SAST scan (using default settings) that runs the Exploitable Path queries. Select one of the following configurations:

  • Use SAST scans for past _ day/s - specify the number of days for which results from a historic SAST scan will be used for Exploitable Path. If no scan was run within the specified period, then a new scan will be triggered.


    Not fully supported in all environments. The default value of one day may be applied automatically.

  • Do not use existing SAST scans - Whenever you run a Checkmarx One scan with only the SCA scanner selected, a SAST scan will be triggered automatically in order to run the Exploitable Path queries.

API Security Scanner Parameters

The parameters that will be defined for the API Security scanner will be applied for all the Projects that will run API Security scans.

The table below presents the optional parameters, and their optional values.




Swagger folder/file filter

Swagger folder path or any folder/file type.

Allow users to select specific folders or files that they want to include or exclude from the code scanning process.

  • Including a file type - *.java

  • Excluding a file type - !*.java

  • Use “,” sign to chain file types.

    For example: *.java,*.js

  • The parameter also supports including/excluding folders.

  • regex is not supported.

Filtering Options

Filtering the scanners parameters is based on Glob.

For more information see Glob Tool

For instance:

  • Exclude all java files: !**/*.java

  • Exclude all files inside a folder Test: !**/Test/**

  • Exclude all files under root folder Test: !Test/**

  • Exclude just the files inside a folder leaving all subfolders content: !**/Test/*

  • Exclude all JavaScript minified files: !**/*.min.js


The rules follow the same logic at tenant & project level.

Configuration Hierarchy

Scanners parameters configuration work in hierarchy.

During parameters configuration, the system considers the Tenant level as the highest configuration level followed by Project level, Config as Code and Scan level.

Parameters are inherited from one level to the other, starting from Tenant level.

Removing parameters from a lower configuration level can be performed only by deleting the parameter configuration from the higher configuration level. In this case the parameter won't be presented in the lower configuration level.

In case users edit a parameter in a lower configuration level, a Trash_icon.png icon will appear at the right. Deleting the parameter can't be performed, as the parameter is inherited from the higher configuration level. This behavior is designed to emphasize that the configuration exist at the Tenant level and it is set with "X" value.

In case using the icon, it might appear that the parameter is deleted, but it is not. In case exiting the page and returning, the parameter will be presented again.


When running a scan, the system considers the Scan level as the highest configuration level, followed by Config as Code, Project level and Tenant level.


Webhooks configuration provides the user the ability to send post scan events to an external notification service.

The notifications include the triggered scans Success / Failed statuses.

An example about when each webhook event occurs and what the payload contains can be found in here.

To add a new Webhook click Add_Wbhook.png

The screen includes the following configuration fields:


Mandatory fields are marked with red_asterix.png

  • Name - Webhook service name.

  • Active.png - Set the Webhook to be in active state.

  • Payload URL - Webhook service URL.

  • Secret (Optional) - Webhook service secret.

  • Events - Set which scan events will be sent to the Webhook notification service (Completed/Failed scans).


    • It is possible to configure one or more events.

    • Mandatory fields are marked with red_asterix.png

Click Add


Code Repository Project Settings

The Code Repository Configuration screen allows you to update the settings for any Code Repository Integration project.



Toggle on/off the permissions that you would like to adjust. After making changes, click Save.

  • Scan Trigger: Push, Pull request - Automatically trigger a scan when a push event or pull request is done in your SCM. (Default: On)

  • Pull Request Decoration - Automatically send the scan results summary to the SCM. (Default: On)

  • SCA Auto Pull Request - Automatically send PRs to your SCM with recommended changes in the manifest file, in order to replace the vulnerable package versions. (Default: Off)


Refresh Repository Permission

In case that you want to refresh the repository permission, click Refresh repository permission.


A confirmation screen appear. To confirm and continue, click Refresh Project.


Scan Type

Toggle on/off the scanners that will run for this project. After making changes, click Save.


In addition, in this section you can configure the following:

  • SAST Incremental scan - Select this checkbox if you would like SAST scans to run as Incremental scans. For additional info, see Incremental Scans.

  • Specify Protected Branches - Protected Branches are the repository branches that are configured to be scanned. For additional info, see About Protected Branches

  • Add SSH key - You can paste your SSH key here. (optional)

Feedback Profile

Feedback Profile screen allows you to update the settings for any Feedback Profile that is created and assigned to a Checkmarx One Project.

For more information see Update an Assigned Profile