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Running a Scan from Eclipse

When initiating a CxSAST scan from within Eclipse, the user selects a project and initiates a scan. The Checkmarx plugin zips that single project and sends it to the CxSAST server for scanning.


The Eclipse plugin scan user must have permissions for both the 'Scanner' and 'Reviewer' roles.

You can manually run a CxSAST scan from Eclipse for bound or unbound solutions, projects, the whole project, or an individual folder or file.


Many medium- and large-scale development efforts contain multiple projects, and selecting a single Eclipse project will only initiate a scan of that project. In this case, the user may create a higher-level parent project containing multiple sub-projects and initiate all scans from this project.

To manually run a code scan from Eclipse, do one of the following:

  • Run a full scan of the whole project, or of the selected folder or file: In Eclipse, right-click the project, folder, or file, and select CxViewer > Scan.

  • Right click on the project, and select CxViewer > Bind.

  • Run an incremental scan of only the new and modified files within a project or folder that was previously scanned: In Eclipse, right-click the project or folder and select CxViewer > Incremental Scan.


If the project is unbound, configure the new CxSAST project to be created and then Click <OK>. The project is uploaded to the CxSAST server and scanned. It appears in the web interface queue, and when complete appears as a scan of a new project.
