Dashboard Menu
View the state of your engines, scans, and queues:
Project State: The current project state, including project information such as Risk level score, High/Medium vulnerabilities, LOC, and Last scan date.
Failed Scans: Log of failed scans, including reason or partial explanation such as "failed to start scanning due to one of the following reasons: source folder is empty, all source files are of an unsupported language or file format".
Utilization: A graphic interface divided into the following four quadrants:
Engine State: Provides information about the number of scans to engine ratio.
Queue State: Provides information about the number of scans in the queue and their LOC size/ Average waiting time.
Projects with Longest Scans: Provides information about the Top 3 scans in the Longest Waiting Time category.
Queue Load: Provides perspective about the queue load over a 7 day period. The darker the blue the more in the queue; whereas the empty cell with the black outline is the queue running now.
Risk: The Risk graph at the upper half of the window displays the High Risk projects over the last 7 day period, while the lower half displays the Risk Trend of selected projects and Time periods.
Data Analysis: Displays a summary analysis of multiple projects. The data can be presented in several predefined configurations and you can also create your own tables.