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Create a Smaller File for Upload (longpath support)

When uploading a project for scanning, if the zip file is larger than 200 MB (due to a Microsoft default IIS implementation), you will not be able to upload it. To create a smaller zip file of only files with specified extensions, you can use Checkmarx's CxZip utility.

To create a smaller file for upload:

1. Download and install the relevant 7-Zip application from 7-Zip

2. Download and extract the zipped CxZip.exe. from Cx7Zip


If 7-Zip was not installed in the default location C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe, then open Cx7Zip.exe.config and modify the path to 7z.exe accordingly:

<add key="7zipPath" value="<installation path>\7z.exe"/>

3. Run the following command:

Cx7Zip.exe <FolderToZip> <>

where <FolderToZip> is the source code folder, and <> is the path to the output zip file to be created.

For example:

Cx7Zip.exe c:\Projects\TestProject c:\Projects\


The default values can be modified in Cx7Zip.exe.config:

<add key="SourcePath" value="C:\longpath"/>

<add key="DestPath" value="C:\"/>