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Extracting Queries Related Source Code


In order to extract the related source code for a specific set of queries we created the Mini Project Creator is a feature that allows the user to create small projects in CxAudit, consisting of only part of the total number of files in the full projects.

Some of the benefits are as follows:

  • Supporting customers, without requiring them to send entire projects

  • Testing queries fixes without having to re-run the full projects

  • Easily reducing the size of projects for quickly reproducing results in CxAudit

  • Conveniently obtaining the project configuration files (Config.xml and DefaultConfig.xml)


Add the following configuration to the DefaultConfig.xml file:





User workflow

  1. Run a full project in CxAudit.

  2. Choose a result you want to reproduce.

  3. Right-click on the result.

  4. On the drop-down menu, click Mini Project Creator.

  5. A new message will pop up with the path of the zip file project. The file name consists of the project name, query name, date, and hour.

  6. Click OK.

  7. The folder (CxAuditSrc) that contains the Mini Project opens.

  8. Close CxAudit and scan the Mini Project that was created.