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Project Reports

A project report is generated for the latest scan and provides information on a specific project based on the user's selections during report generation. This report presents general information summarized by totals and does not drill down into detailed results.

Generating a Project Report

To generate a project report proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Generate Report sliding pane by doing one of the following:

    • On the Workspace Workspace.png > Projects page, select one or more projects from the Projects table. Once selected, click the Generate Report button that appears above the table.

    • On the Workspace Workspace.png > Projects page, hover over the relevant project, click on the three-dot icon, and select Generate Project Report from the menu.

    • On the Workspace Workspace.png > Projects page, click 252199_spr.png in the Filters and Groups bar and select Project Report from the dropdown menu.

    • In the project overview, click Generate Report.

    • On the ASPM Insights.png > Analytics & Dashboard page, click on the Reports button.

    The Generate Report sliding pane is displayed.

  2. In the Report Type field, make sure that Project is selelcted.

  3. In the Format drop-down list, choose the desired report format: PDF or JSON.

  4. If you are generating a report for a single project, its name will appear in the By Project field. To choose a different project or add more projects to the report, expand the By Project field and select the required projects from the list or use the Search field.

  5. To generate reports for all projects labeled by a tag, click Add By Tags and select the required tags from the list or use the Search field.

  6. Under Severity, select the severity levels of issues to include in the report. The default is High and Medium.

  7. Under Scanners, specify the scanners whose findings you want to incorporate into the report.

  8. Under Status, specify whether to include in the report newly discovered vulnerabilities (New), previously identified vulnerabilities that have reappeared (Recurrent), or both types.

  9. Under Results State, select the state of of the results to include in the report. By default, the following states are selected: To Verify, Confirm, and Urgent.

  10. Additionally, you can fine-tune your report settings by clicking on Optional Settings at the bottom of the wizard interface.

  11. To assign a meaningful name to the report, enter it in the Report Name field. If left empty, each report will receive a generic title "Report Name."

  12. To send the report via email, input the recipients' email addresses into the Send Report to Emails field. If sending to multiple recipients, separate their email addresses with commas.


    Maximum, 10 recipients allowed.

  13. To focus on specific areas of interest in the scan results, select which sections of the scan results to include in the report from the By Sections drop-down list. For details on report sections, see below.

  14. Click Generate.

To learn how to generate project reports via API, refer to this page. Ensure you select Project Report from the dropdown list in the Body section.