Using Application Risk Management
Viewing the Application Risk Management (HOME) Page
The Application Risk Management page is the landing page upon login for users with any of the following roles or a combination of these roles: ast-viewer
, ast-scanner
, admin
. This screen enables you to easily identify your riskiest applications and prioritize remediation activity accordingly.
Users who do not have any of these roles will see the Workspace > Projects page as their landing page.

The main section of the screen shows the riskiest application in your account and the Overall Risk Score for that application. To understand how the Overall Risk Score is calculated, see here.
There is a button, Explore Application, that takes you to the Risk Management tab for that application.
The right side of the screen displays up to 10 of the riskiest applications in your account. For each application, the Overall Risk Score is shown. Hover over a specific application in the list to show the View Results button for that application. Clicking on View Results takes you to the Risk Management tab on the Applications page for that application.
Viewing the Risk Management tab for an Application
The Risk Management tab on the Application page shows up to 50 of the most severe risks in the application.
This screen can be accessed either from the main Application Risk Management screen or by navigating to the relevant Workspace > Applications page.
By default, the risks are sorted by Risk Score and shown in descending order, enabling you to quickly identify the most critical risks. You can change the sorting method and apply filters for each column. There is also a quick-filter to show only results for runtime vulnerabilities.
There is a button in the filter bar for accessing the relevant documentation in our documentation portal.
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The following info is shown for each risk.
Vulnerability Name: The name of the vulnerability. For SAST, this is the type of vulnerability. For SCA, this is a combination of the risk ID and the package in which it was identified. For BYOR, this is rule attribute from the SARIF file (if not provided, then the ruleID is used).
Risk Score: The severity of the risk on a scale from 0.1 (low) to 10 (critical). For more info about how the risk score is calculated see here.
In addition, for accounts with Cloud Insights integration, the
icon indicates a risk that is Internet Facing.
Vulnerability Type: This column categorizes vulnerabilities based on their general types. Results identified by the SAST scanner are categorized as "Infrastructure". SCA results are either "Direct Package" or "Transitive Package". And, BYOR are referred to as "Imported Results".
Additional Trait - Shows if there are specific additional risk factors. Possible values are currently: "Exploitable Path" and "Suspected Malware".
Days Open: The number of days since the vulnerability was initially detected.
Origin: This column shows the name of the project where the vulnerability was identified.
Viewing Vulnerability Details
You can drill down to view detailed information about each of the Application Risk Management results. Click on a row to open to show the details for that result.
For SAST, this opens a new tab showing detailed info about the specific vulnerability. The Top 50 Risks tab is still shown, and you can switch back and forth between tabs.
For BYOR, this opens a new tab showing the vulnerability details that were imported via the SARIF file. The Top 50 Risks tab is still shown, and you can switch back and forth between tabs.
For SCA, this redirects you to the corresponding page in the SCA scan results viewer.
For correlated results:
For SAST + IaC, the SAST result is shown in a new tab.
For Exploitable Path, the SCA result is shown in the SCA results viewer.
Triaging Results
You can triage results so that the Application Risk Management will accurately reflect your team's assessment of the risks to your application. When you change the severity of a risk the Risk Score is adjusted accordingly, and when you change the state to Not Exploitable the Risk Score is set to zero. However, these changes will only take effect after the next scan of the project.
Triage is done in the results viewer when you open up the details page for a specific risk. For BYOR results, you can change the state but not the severity.
The triage feature is based on Checkmarx ability to identify the identical result (based on proprietary algorithms) when it recurs in subsequent scans. For more information about triaging results in Checkmarx One, see Managing (Triaging) Vulnerabilities.
Triaging Imported (BYOR) Results
For results that are imported using the BYOR feature, we identify unique results for multiple imported files based on the following criterion.
Guid Field in SARIF file: If the results section of the SARIF file contains a
field, we will use this as theresultID
to identify the result uniquely.Hash Calculation: In the absence of the
field, we calculate a hash by combining the following 5 fields to create a unique identifier:toolName: The name of the tool that generated the result.
ruleID: The identifier for the rule that triggered the result.
snippetText: The code snippet associated with the result.
locationURI: The URI of the file or resource where the result was found.
lineStart: The starting line number where the issue was detected.