Preparing for CEC CxSAST Installation Sessions
In preparation for your upcoming Installation and Configuration session with Checkmarx Engineering Center (CEC), and to make sure you will get the most out of the session, please read the following:
Purpose of the session
Installation of CxSAST components (such as: Manager, Engine, Audit)
Initial configuration of CxSAST components
The following people are required to attend the session:
Solution Owners
Database Administrators
Local Server Administrators
Review the Server Host requirements.
Verify that
DotNet Framework Runtime, version 4.7.1 or later, is installed.
It is downloadable from
You can also find it in the Checkmarx SAST installation bundle, inside the third_party folder.
.NET Core, version 6.x, is installed.
You can find it in the Checkmarx SAST installation bundle, inside the third_party folder.
C++ Redist 2010 and 2015 SP3 is installed.
You can find it in the Checkmarx SAST installation bundle, inside the third_party folder.
Java 1.17 (Oracle or AdoptOpenJdk) is installed.
Java is also available in the Checkmarx SAST installation bundle. Unzip it and add the unzipped folder to C:\ Programs and Files.
Install the Git Client on the server that will be used for the CxManager host. It is required for scanning source files from GitHub.
Download it from
Enable long path support.
This will prevent issues related to the number of characters in the code folder’s name.
Instructions are available at:
Long path support is only available from the Windows Server 2016 and up.
Refer to:
Install IIS on the host.
Instructions are available at:
Install SQL Server Management Studio on the CxManager host.
Download it from
Download the latest Software Installation package on each server that you wish to install a CxSAST component.
Download it from