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Changing the CxSAST Storage Locations

By default, CxSAST stores the source code of scanned projects and the reports in folders at the drive root of the <Checkmarx Installation Path>.

To change these locations implement the following procedure:

1. Open for editing the CxComponentConfiguration table in the SQL CxDB database, search for the values that correspond to Paths by running:


FROM [CxDB].[dbo].[CxComponentConfiguration]

where [value] like '%:\%'

To change to new paths for all the components according to paths on new server. (Important - CxSrc and ExtSrc must reside on same drive!!)

2. If the CxEngine component is installed on the Manager server, open for editing the CxEngineConfigurationKeysMeta table in the SQL CxDB database, search for the values that correspond to Paths by running:


FROM [CxDB].[Config].[CxEngineConfigurationKeysMeta]

where [keyName] = ‘LOCAL_SOURCE_FOLDER’

3. Move all existing files from the drive root of the <Checkmarx Installation Path>:\CxSrc to the new location (in order for the code to be available for viewing).

To change the locations of CxReports. In the CxDB database, in the CxComponentConfiguration table, change the values of - REPORTS_PATH

To change the locations of CxAuditSRC (The folder that keeps the code that is scanned in CxAudit tool) - Edit the file <Checkmarx Installation Path>\Checkmarx Audit\Config.xml search for "CxSrc", and change its value to the new location. and move all existing files from the drive root of the <Checkmarx Installation Path>:\CxAuditSrc to the new location (in order for the code to be available for viewing).