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Checkmarx One Integrations


Checkmarx One is a robust platform that supports full integration into your SDLC. We support the following types of integrations:

  • SCM Integrations - We support integration with most of the popular SCM platforms. You can set up SCM integrations using the web application by “Importing” a project from your SCM. You can activate automated scanning of your source code whenever the project is updated. Checkmarx One listens for commit events and uses a webhook to trigger Checkmarx scans when a push, or a pull request occurs. See Checkmarx One SCM Integrations

  • Feedback Integrations - Send scan results directly to the relevant parties through your bug tracking and team collaboration tools. See Feedback Apps

  • CI/CD Integrations - We provide specialized plugins to enable seamless integration of Checkmarx One with many popular CI/CD platforms. This enables you to trigger customized scans as part of your CI/CD pipeline. In addition, we support integration with other CI/CD platforms using our CLI Tool. See Checkmarx One CI/CD Integrations

  • IDE Integrations - We provide specialized plugins that enable you to import Checkmarx One results into your favorite IDE tools. This makes it easy to identify the vulnerable code in your project and triage the scan results. See Checkmarx One IDE Plugins


Checkmarx One enables you to seamlessly integrate Checkmarx One with your favorite tools. We provide a robust CLI tool that enables you to access full Checkmarx One functionality via the CLI. We also provide dedicated plugins for integrating Checkmarx One into many of the most popular IDEs and CI/CD platforms. In addition, we support full integration with most code repositories.

Checkmarx One Plugins - Quick Links

Checkmarx provides plugins that can be used to seamlessly integrate Checkmarx One into many of the most popular IDEs and CI/CD platforms.