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Downloading and Installing the Checkmarx One CLI

To download the CLI tool, perform the following:

  1. Go to the following link: CLI Releases

  2. Download the relevant tool that is compatible with your Operating System.

  3. Place the tool in any location on the client that you are using.


The CLI tool can be installed on any Linux/Windows/MAC distributions.

Windows Installation

To install the tool on a Windows client, perform the following:

  1. Go to Start menu → CMD

  2. Right click onCMD → Run as Administrator

  3. Go to the path where the ast-cli_<Version> file is located in.

  4. Unzip the file.

  5. The cx.exe tool is ready to be used from the path that it is located in.

  6. Type cx → Enter button and the CLI command prompt will begin.

    user@Laptop:/AST$ cx.exe
    The Checkmarx One CLI is a fully functional Command Line Interface (CLI) that interacts with the Checkmarx One server.
    Quick start guide:
      cx [command]
    $ cx configure
    $ cx scan create -s . --project-name my_project_name
    $ cx scan list
    Available Commands:
      configure   Manage scan configurations
      cx          Validate authentication and create OAuth2 credentials
      help        Help about any command
      project     Manage projects
      result      Retrieve results
      scan        Manage scans
      utils       Checkmarx One Utility functions
      version     Prints the version number
          --agent string               Scan origin name (default "ASTCLI")
          --apikey string              The API Key to login to Checkmarx One
          --base-auth-uri string       The base system IAM URI
          --base-uri string            The base system URI
          --client-id string           The OAuth2 client ID
          --client-secret string       The OAuth2 client secret
      -h, --help                       help for cx
          --insecure                   Ignore TLS certificate validations
          --profile string             The default configuration profile (default "default")
          --proxy string               Proxy server to send communication through
          --proxy-auth-type string     Proxy authentication type, (basic or ntlm)
          --proxy-ntlm-domain string   Window domain when using NTLM proxy
          --tenant string              Checkmarx tenant
      -v, --verbose                    Verbose mode
    Use "cx [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Linux/MAC Installation

To install the tool on a Linux client, perform the following:


For MAC it is recommended to use option 2.

Option 1

  1. Open a Linux shell.

  2. Copy the link address of the installation file.

    For example:

  3. Use the wget command in order to download the CLI package:

  4. 3042574940.png

    Un-tar the file:

    tar -xzvf ast-cli_<Version>_linux_x64.tar.gz

Option 2

  1. Open a Linux shell.

  2. In case that the Linux installation file is downloaded to the client, go to the file location path

  3. 5945983681.png

    Un-tar the file:

    tar -xzvf ast-cli_<Version>_linux_x64.tar.gz
  4. Type the below command and the CLI command prompt will begin.

    user@Laptop:/AST$ ./cx
    The Checkmarx One CLI is a fully functional Command Line Interface (CLI) that interacts with the Checkmarx One server.
    Quick start guide:
      cx [command]
    $ cx configure
    $ cx scan create -s . --project-name my_project_name
    $ cx scan list
    Available Commands:
      configure   Manage scan configurations
      cx          Validate authentication and create OAuth2 credentials
      help        Help about any command
      project     Manage projects
      result      Retrieve results
      scan        Manage scans
      utils       Checkmarx One Utility functions
      version     Prints the version number
          --agent string               Scan origin name (default "ASTCLI")
          --apikey string              The API Key to login to Checkmarx One
          --base-auth-uri string       The base system IAM URI
          --base-uri string            The base system URI
          --client-id string           The OAuth2 client ID
          --client-secret string       The OAuth2 client secret
      -h, --help                       help for cx
          --insecure                   Ignore TLS certificate validations
          --profile string             The default configuration profile (default "default")
          --proxy string               Proxy server to send communication through
          --proxy-auth-type string     Proxy authentication type, (basic or ntlm)
          --proxy-ntlm-domain string   Window domain when using NTLM proxy
          --tenant string              Checkmarx tenant
      -v, --verbose                    Verbose mode
    Use "cx [command] --help" for more information about a command.