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Preparing CxSAST for Installation in Silent Mode


To perform a distributed installation in Silent mode, first perform and complete the installation and then run Silent Reconfigure.

Before installing CxSAST, make sure that you understand the System Architecture and that your server host(s) complies with the Server Host Requirements. To install CxSAST, you have to download the archive, extract the installation executable CxSetup.exe and make the required third-party components available. For further information regarding installation permissions and making third-party components available, refer to Preparing CxSAST for Installation.

The required prerequisites are the following:

  • C++ Redist 2010 and 2015 SP3

  • IIS v7.0 (or higher)

  • ASP.NET Core 3.1.11 Runtime & Hosting

  • MS SQL

  • Java JRE 1.8.0 (64-bit)


  • Java installation should be located where permission fulfillment is possible (e.g., C:\Program Files) and not in personal user folders such as the Desktop folder. The approved and recommended Java version is 1.8. The minimum version for Oracle is 8u241 and for AdoptOpenJdk, it is 8u242.

  • If you are switching Java versions, for example, due to upgrading or otherwise modifying your CxSAST installation in a way that it requires a newer Java installation, you have to update the newer Java location with the certificate from the previous Java location. This means you have to copy the cacerts file from the previous Java location (..\Checkmarx Risk Management\jre\lib\security\) to the new Java location (<install path>\openjdk-8u242-b08-jre\lib\security\) and overwrite the existing cacerts file in the new location with your existing cacerts file.

  • Make sure that the SQL password does not exceed 32 characters. You may have to reset this password before upgrading as the SQL password could exceed 32 characters in previous versions. For further information, refer to Preparing CxSAST for Installation.

  • Access Control and CxManager must be installed on the same host.


To install and configure high availability solutions, refer to the relevant instructions. A diagram that outlines the architecture for high availability solutions is available here.
