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Managing Users

Creating a User

Only an Administrator has the permission to create new user accounts in the system.


Mandatory fields are marked with red_asterix.png

To create a new user, perform the following:

  1. Click on Settings Settings.png > Identity and Access Management

  2. Click on Users Users.png

  3. Click Add user


    The Add User screen is displayed. The ID and Created At fields will be automatically populated when the user has been created

  4. Configure the Username

  5. Configure the user's Email, First Name and Last Name

  6. Set User Enabled to ON to activate the user on the system.

    The OFF setting allows the administrator to control when a user is activated on the system, the account remains inactive until it is toggled to ON

  7. Set Email Verified to ON

    The system emails a link to the user’s email address. When the user clicks on the link they are required to update the password, verify the email and configure a one-time password.

  8. Set Required User Action to Update Password when the password needs to be reset on the next login.

  9. Click Save

Managing User Credentials

Set Password

To set a password for a user, navigate to the Credentials tab and fill out the relevant fields.


Credentials Reset

To ensure that a user resets their password:

  1. Select Update Password from the Reset Actions option.

  2. Enter the maximum time before the credential reset expires. Type in the number and select Minutes, Hours , or Days from the dropdown list. Once it has expired, the administrator will need to reset it.

  3. Click Send email


    An email with an embedded link is sent to the user.

    The reset action can be executed by following the link without logging into the system.