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SARIF Output for Checkmarx One (Example for GitHub Action)


You can export Checkmarx One scan results in SARIF output format.

This is done by adding the report flag --report-format sarif in the additional params of the CLI scan command. This generates a JSON in SARIF format.


SARIF, the Static Analysis Results Interchange Format, is a standard, JSON-based format for the output of static analysis tools. It has been approved as an OASIS standard. By providing a common tool output format, SARIF reduces the burden on users, and makes it possible to create common tooling for all tools: viewers, bug filers, metrics calculators, etc..

This capability is available for all CI/CD plugins and CLI integrations. The examples below show the integration for GitHub Action, but they can be generalized for other platforms.


  • You have a Checkmarx One account and you have set up the appropriate Checkmarx One plugin or CLI integration in your CI/CD platform.

Exporting Results as SARIF Output

  1. Use the Checkmarx One plugin or CLI tool to create a Checkmarx One scan in your pipeline.

  2. Add the report flag --report-format sarif to the scan create command. For plugins, this argument is added in the Additional params section.


    By default the report is sent to the current directory, which is the recommended location. You can optionally specify a different location using the --output-path argument.

  3. Upload the results to the desired platform.

Usage Example - GitHub Action

The following example shows how you can create a GitHub Action to run a Checkmarx One scan and export the results as a SARIF output.


The following example assumes that:

GitHub Action Example

The following is an example of a GitHub Action for running a Checkmarx One scan and uploading the results in SARIF format.

name: Checkmarx Sarif Integration

# Controls when the workflow will run
    types: [opened, reopened, synchronize]
      - master
      - main

# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
  # This workflow contains a single job called "build"
    # The type of runner that the job will run on
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
      # This step checks out a copy of your repository.
      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Checkmarx scan
        uses: checkmarx/ast-github-action@main
          cx_client_id: ${{ secrets.CX_CLIENT_ID }}
          cx_client_secret: ${{ secrets.CX_CLIENT_SECRET }}
          cx_tenant: ${{ secrets.CX_TENANT }} # This should be replaced by users' tenant name
          additional_params: --report-format sarif --output-path .
      - name: Upload SARIF file
        uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v1
          # Path to SARIF file relative to the root of the repository
          sarif_file: cx_result.sarif


Check for updates to the code sample in GitHub.

Viewing Code Scanning Alerts

When SARIF scan results are uploaded to GitHub, the vulnerabilities identified by the Checkmarx One scan are shown in the Code scanning alerts tab.

To view SARIF results:

  1. Go to Security > Code scanning alerts. The vulnerabilities identified by the Checkmarx One scan are shown.

  2. Click on an item to show details about that vulnerability, including the vulnerable code and a description of the vulnerability.
