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Checkmarx SCA Release Notes March 2023


These release notes relate to the SCA standalone product. Users who consume SCA through Checkmarx One should refer to the Checkmarx One release notes to see which SCA features have been released in Checkmarx One.

Packages Screen Updates

  • We have updated the "References" column on the Scan Results > Packages screen. For Direct Packages, we now show separately the number of times that the package is referenced directly (D) and transitively (T).

  • For a package that is referenced both directly and transitively, the total number of packages shown at the top of the All Packages tab now counts that package only once. Therefore, the total number of packages may be fewer than the total of the Direct packages plus the number of Transitive packages.

Improvements and Bug Fixes





Policy Configuration

We have simplified the policy configuration by removing the option to have multiple “sets” of conditions.

A policy can still have multiple "rules", each of which contains one "set" of conditions. An OR operator is applied between rules, and an AND operator is applied to the conditions within each rule.


Exploitable Path

We updated the SAST queries for Exploitable Path. The new queries are available for download in zip archive and xml format here.