CxSAST 9.7.0 On-Prem | Critical Support | What to Expect
CxSAST On-Prem Version 9.7.0 introduces a new Severity level: Critical.
While the Application and its underlying services support this new Critical Severity, there is currently no Query support for SAST Languages.
Important Notes
Critical Severity Queries will be implemented in a future Engine Pack update.
Application components will display the Critical Severity option, but these features will not provide meaningful insights until a Critical Severity query is introduced/updated in the database and results in at least one scan.
Users can manually set query severity to Critical, enabling related dashboards, reports, and other features to display Critical Severity values and insights.
Below are some examples of Critical appearing on the CxSAST Application, although no relevant insight is provided.
As previously mentioned, CxPortal now supports a new Critical severity level. This new severity classification will be reflected in various UI components, including:

In CxAudit, users can now modify queries to assign a Critical severity. When this change is made, all relevant CxSAST features will automatically update to display results with Critical severity.

Reporting Service
The latest version of the Reporting Service already supports the new Critical Severity. Until a Critical result is detected in the project scans, the report will display a value of 0 for the Critical severity status.