- Checkmarx Documentation
- SAST/SCA Integrations
- CI/CD Plugins
- CLI Plugin
- Running Scans from the CLI
Running Scans from the CLI
Applications such as CxSAST and CxOSA enable you to run static application security tests (SAST), and open-source analysis (OSA) scans as a CLI command. By default, the SAST scans run in synchronous mode. This means that the CLI initiates the scan task, which can then be viewed in the CLI and the created log file. In asynchronous mode, the scan ends when the scan request reaches the scan queue. Therefore, the scan results can be viewed in the (CxSAST) web application only.
To scan projects with open-source packages, use the CxConsole commands as explained below. The CxConsole CLI provides software composition analysis based only on the manifest files and fingerprints. This analysis involves compressing and sending only the manifest files, configuration files, file names, and fingerprint data to the CxSCA cloud. The source code is not sent to the cloud.
Running scans from the CLI requires the prerequisites below.
Checkmarx CxSAST (v8.9.0 and up) installed. For the required version, refer to the change log entry for the specific version of the plugin.
Checkmarx CLI Plugin (8.90.0 and up) installed. The files to download and install the plugin can be found in the Checkmarx central plugins repository.
The user running the CLI plugin scan must have permissions for both the Scanner and Reviewer roles.
Checkmarx CxSCA enabled (CxSCA in the cloud) with a valid license.
You cannot start using CxSCA unless the end user license agreement (EULA) has been viewed and accepted.
This section lists the syntax for scans from the CLI for CxSCA, CxSAST, and CxOSA.
CxSCA Scan
<path to CxConsolePlugin>\runCxConsole.cmd ScaScan -scalocationpath <arg> -ProjectName <arg> -scaUsername <arg> -scaPassword <arg> -scaAccount<arg> Example: C:\>runCxConsole.cmd ScaScan -scalocationpath "C:\ant\testant" -ProjectName "CxServer/SP/Company/Users/bs java" -scaUsername **** -scaPassword ********* -scaAccount *****
CxSCA - SCA Resolver Scan
<path to CxConsolePlugin>\runCxConsole.cmd ScaScan -scalocationpath <arg> -ProjectName <arg> -scaUsername <arg> -scaPassword <arg> -scaAccount<arg> -enablescaresolver -pathtoresolver <arg> -scaresolveraddparameters <arg> Example: C:\CxConsolePlugin\runCxConsole.cmd ScaScan -scalocationpath "C:\ant\testant" -ProjectName "CxServer/Project1" -scaUsername **** -scaPassword ********* -scaAccount ***** -enablescaresolver -pathtoresolver "C:\ScaResolver-win64" -scaresolveraddparameters "-s C:\ant\testant -n Propject1 -r C:\ScaResolver-win64\Offline\results.json"
Ensure the full path to "results.json" for the "-r" parameter as illustrated in the syntax example above.
CxSAST Scans
Synchronous mode: runCxConsole Scan -v -CxServer <host> -ProjectName <projectName> -CxUser <username> -CxPassword <password> -LocationType <LocationType> -LocationPath <locationpath> Example (project name is bookname j2): runCxConsole.cmd Scan -v -ProjectName "CxServer/bookname j2" -CxServer http://localhost -cxuser username -cxpassword admin -LocationType folder -LocationPath "C:\Data\Projects\Java\bs java" -preset "Checkmarx Default" Asynchronous mode: runCxConsole AsyncScan -v -CxServer <host> -ProjectName <projectName> -CxUser <username> -CxPassword <password> -LocationType <LocationType> -LocationPath <locationpath> Example (project name is bookname j2): runCxConsole.cmd AsyncScan -v -ProjectName "CxServer/bookname j2" -CxServer http://localhost -cxuser username -cxpassword admin -LocationType folder -LocationPath "C:\Data\Projects\Java\bs java" -preset "Checkmarx Default"
CxOSA Scans
Synchronous mode: runCxConsole Scan -v -CxServer <host> -ProjectName <projectName> -CxUser <username> -CxPassword <password> -LocationType <LocationType> -LocationPath <locationpath> -Preset <preset> -EnableOsa -OsaLocationPath <filename> Example (CxOSA scan part of the existing 'bc ts java project'): runCxConsole.cmd Scan -v -ProjectName "team/SP/Company/Users/bc ts java" -CxServer http://localhost -cxuser admin -cxpassword admin -LocationType folder -LocationPath C:\Users\Desktop\project -preset Default -EnableOsa -OsaJson Example (CxOSA scan of C:\Users\Desktop\testProjects\osa_jenkins_project as part of the existing 'bc ts java project'): runCxConsole.cmd Scan -v -ProjectName "team/SP/Company/Users/bc ts java" -CxServer http://localhost -cxuser admin -cxpassword admin -LocationType folder -LocationPath C:\Users\Desktop\project -preset Default -EnableOsa -OsaLocationPath C:\Users\Desktop\buildProducts -OsaJson
This section lists and explains the parameters for the CLI parameters.
Key | Description |
Global | |
-CxServer <server> | Mandatory: Enter the IP address or a resolvable hostname. |
-TrustedCertificates | Optional: This parameter can add certified security to the connection. By default, all certificates are trusted. When disabled, only certificates signed by a trusted certificate authority can be accepted. NoticeOnly available when the URL starts with ‘https’ for SSL. |
-configascode | Optional: Override the scan settings with the Remote/Local configuration file located inside the source directory. |
-ProjectName <project name> | Mandatory: An existing or new project name with a full path. If the project does not exist, it is being created, for example -ProjectName CxServer/SP/Company/Users/my project. Notice
-LocationType <type> | Mandatory: Source location type: Enter one of the following:
-WorkspaceMode <path> | Optional: When the -LocationType parameter is set to Perforce, add the -WorkspaceMode and the workspace name into -LocationPath. |
-LocationPath <path> | Local or network path to sources or the source repository branch. This parameter is mandatory if -LocationType is set to folder, SVN, TFS, Perforce, or shared. |
-LocationURL <url> | The source control URL. The parameter is mandatory if -LocationType points to any source control system. WarningFor GIT repositories, the GIT username and password must be part of the LocationURL, for example, http://my_username:my_password@mygitrepourl/ |
-LocationPort <url> | Optional: Source control system port:
-LocationBranch <branch> | The full path to the Source Git branch. This parameter is mandatory if -LocationType is set to GIT. |
-LocationUser <username> | The source control/network credentials. This parameter is mandatory, if -LocationType is set to TFS, Perforce , or shared. WarningFor GIT repositories, the GIT username and password must be part of the LocationURL, for example, http://my_username:my_password@mygitrepourl/ |
-LocationPassword <password> | The source control/network credentials. This parameter is mandatory if -LocationType is set to TFS, Perforce , or shared. WarningFor GIT repositories, the GIT username and password must be part of the LocationURL, for example, http://my_username:my_password@mygitrepourl/ |
-LocationPrivateKey <path\file> | The GIT SSH key locations. This parameter is mandatory if -Locationtype is set to GIT using SSH. |
-ForceScan | Optional: Force scan on source code, which has not been changed since the last scan of the same project. -ForceScan is not compatible with the -Incremental parameter. NoteA full scan will be performed if the user configures both -ForceScan and -Incremental. |
-LocationPathExclude <folders list> | Optional: Comma-separated list of folder name patterns to be excluded from scans. For example, exclude all folders whose names start with test and all folders whose names end with log: -locationPathExclude “test*,*log” NoticeIf this parameter is sent, it is added to the default exclusion of the CLI configuration file (cx_console.properties). |
-LocationFilesExclude <files list> | Optional: Comma-separated list of file name patterns to be excluded from scans. For example, exclude all files with a '.class' extension:
NoticeIf this parameter is sent, it is added to the default exclusion of the CLI configuration file (cx_console.properties). |
-includeExcludePattern <files list> | Optional: Comma-separated list of file name patterns to exclude/include from/to a scan. For example, exclude all files with the '.class' extension by entering the following: -includeexcludepattern "!*.class,**/*.java" |
-Configuration <configuration> | Optional: Code language configuration. Possible values are the following:
NoticeIf -Configuration is not set, 'Default Configuration' is used. |
-Private | Optional: If set, the scan is invisible to others. |
-Log <path\file> | Optional: If set, a log file is created. |
-loglevel | Optional: Sets the log level for generating logs in the log file. |
-Comment <text> | Optional: Saves a comment with the scan results, for example: -comment "important scan1." NoticeThey are not supported in AsyncScan mode. |
-verbose | -v | Optional: Turn on the Verbose mode. All messages and events are sent to the console or log file when turned on. NoticeFor debugging, place this argument before others so that if the command fails at any other argument, the Verbose mode remains active. |
-CheckPolicy | Optional: If enabled, the build breaks if either the CxSAST, CxSCA, or the CxOSA policy has been violated. Notice
-postScanAction <post scan action name> | An action that is executed by the CxSAST server once the scan is complete. Post-scan actions are configured in the CxSAST server. Set this parameter to the name of the post-scan action required. |
CxSAST | |
-EnableSASTBranching | Optional: Enable to support branching. |
-MasterBranchProjName | Optional: The SAST project will be created from the branch name provided in this parameter value. This parameter is mandatory if the EnableSASTBranching parameter is enabled. |
-copybranchtimeoutinseconds <timeout in seconds> | Optional: Enable users to set a timeout for copying branch projects.
-PeriodicFullScan | Optional: This specifies when a full scan should commence once a number of incremental scans have run. The incremental parameter is mandatory if the periodic total scan value is provided. The calculation starts with the BUILD_NUMBER when the feature is enabled. The BUILD_NUMBER variable is an environment variable and must be set in system environment variables. Example: If the next BUILD_NUMBER enabled for the feature is 566 and the periodic scan value is 2, then the 566 build/job will be incremental, and 568 will be full. Every third build/job will be full. If the next build number when the feature was enabled is 565, then 565 will be a full scan, followed by every subsequent third job. The logic is: the remainder of BUILD_NUMBER divided by (frequency+1) |
-useSSO | Optional: Single Sign-On: Use the Windows credentials of the current user to log into CxSAST. NoticeIf you use CxSAST 9.0.0 and utilize -use SSO, update the CLI to v9.0.0. |
-CxUser <username> | Mandatory unless -useSSO is used: CxSAST username to log in |
-CxPassword <password> | Mandatory unless -useSSO is used: CxSAST password to log in |
-Preset <preset> | Optional: If this parameter is not set, the default preset Project Default is used, thus the preset configured in SAST for this project will be used. |
-Incremental | Optional: Run an incremental scan instead of a full scan. Scans only new and modified files relative to the project's last scan. -Incremental disables any -ForceScan settings. NoticeAny changes that exceed the incremental scan threshold fail the scan. NoteA full scan will be performed if the user configures both -ForceScan and -Incremental. |
-SASTCritical <number of critical SAST vulnerabilities> | Optional: CxSAST critical severity vulnerability threshold. If the critical vulnerabilities exceed the threshold, the scan ends with an error. Refer to Error/Exit Codes. NoticeNot supported in AsyncScan mode. Not supported in SAST versions prior to 9.7.0. |
-SASTHigh <number of high SAST vulnerabilities> | Optional: CxSAST high severity vulnerability threshold. If the high vulnerabilities exceed the threshold, the scan ends with an error. Refer to Error/Exit Codes. NoticeNot supported in AsyncScan mode. |
-SASTMedium <number of medium SAST vulnerabilities> | Optional: CxSAST medium severity vulnerability threshold. The scan ends with an error if the number of medium vulnerabilities exceeds the threshold. Refer to Error/Exit Codes. NoticeNot supported in AsyncScan mode. |
-SASTLow <number of low SAST vulnerabilities> | Optional: CxSAST low severity vulnerability threshold. The scan ends with an error if the number of low vulnerabilities exceeds the threshold. Refer to Error/Exit Codes. NoticeNot supported in AsyncScan mode. |
-ReportXML <file> | Optional: Create a scan report in XML format. Notice
-ReportPDF <file> | Optional: Create a scan report in PDF format. Notice
-ReportCSV <file > | Optional: Creates a scan report in CSV format (as a comma separated file). Notice
-ReportRTF <file> | Optional: Creates a scan report in RTF format. Notice
-AvoidDuplicateProjectScans | Optional: Enable to avoid duplicate scans for the same project if another scan is already running. WarningThis parameter will be deprecated in the versions after v1.1.36. The configurations done on SAST will be used to determine the parallel scan policy. |
CxSCA | |
-generateScaReport | Optional: Enable to generate the SCA report. |
-scaReportformat | Optional: Will set the report file format. When generateScaReport is enabled, this parameter is mandatory. The report shows an overview of the security of the project as well as specific vulnerabilities, legal risks, and outdated versions identified by the scan. Reports can be generated in pdf, xml, json, or csv format. Reports are generated in the directory mentioned using -scareportpath parameter. The following case-insensitive values must be passed for different report types:
-scareportpath <dir path> | Optional: This will set the path of the directory where the SCA report will be generated. When generateScaReport is enabled, this parameter is mandatory. The SCA report will be generated in the subdirectory Checkmarx/Reports under the given directory path. |
-ScaLocationPath <arg> | Optional. Local or network path to sources that should be scanned. NoteIf not specified, the SAST source code location is used. |
-ScaUsername <arg> | Mandatory: The user name to log in to your CxSCA application. |
-ScaPassword <arg> | Mandatory: The password to log in to your CxSCA application. |
-ScaAccount <arg> | Mandatory: The name of your CxSCA account. |
-includesource | Optional: If enabling this option, the entire source code is included in the zip archive for scanning. |
-scaconfigfile | Optional: Provide the configuration files of the package managers used in this project. Example:
Use the CxSCA agent to perform the scan. The CxSCA agent attempts to resolve the dependency using the manager's configuration files. Example: -scaconfigfile “c:\user\.m2\settings.xml”, “c:\user\npm\.npmrc” |
- SCACritical <number of critical SCA vulnerabilities> | Optional: CxSCA critical severity vulnerability threshold. The scan ends with an error if the number of critical vulnerabilities exceeds the threshold. Refer to Error/Exit Codes. Note-SCACritical is not supported in AsyncScan mode. |
-SCAHigh <number of high SCA vulnerabilities> | Optional: CxSCA high severity vulnerability threshold. The scan ends with an error if the number of high vulnerabilities exceeds the threshold. Refer to Error/Exit Codes. Note-SCAHigh is not supported in AsyncScan mode. |
-SCAMedium <number of medium SCA vulnerabilities> | Optional: CxSCA medium severity vulnerability threshold. The scan ends with an error if the number of medium vulnerabilities exceeds the threshold. Refer to Error/Exit Codes. Note-SCAMedium is not supported in AsyncScan mode. |
-SCALow <number of low SCA vulnerabilities> | Optional: CxSCA low severity vulnerability threshold. The scan ends with an error if the number of low vulnerabilities exceeds the threshold. Refer to Error/Exit Codes. Note-SCALow is not supported in AsyncScan mode. |
-SCAFilesInclude <files list> | Optional: Comma-separated list of file name patterns to include in the CxSCA scan, for example \”*.dll\” only includes .dll files. |
-SCAFilesExclude <files list> | Optional: Comma-separated list of file name patterns to exclude from the CxSCA scan. Exclude extensions by entering !**/*<extension> or exclude files by entering !**/<file>. Examples: -SCAFilesExclude “!**/*.class” excludes all files that start with “.class”. Examples: -SCAFilesExclude “!**/plexus-utils-1.5.6.jar” excludes all files named plexus-utils-1.5.6.jar. |
-SCAPathExclude <folders list> | Optional: Comma-separated list of folder path patterns to exclude from the CxSCA scan.Optional: Comma-separated list of folder path patterns to exclude from the CxSCA scan. For example, -SCAPathExclude “test*,*log” all folders whose names start with test and all folders whose names end with log. |
-env | Optional: Relevant with -scaconfigfile In many cases, package manager configuration files reference environment variables, often to provide credentials without storing them in a file. Pass all those variables using this option. |
-cxsasturl | Optional: The URL of the CxSAST server, for example https://cxsasthost:port This parameter is used to obtain scan results from the CxSAST server required by the CxSCA scan for Exploitable Path detection. Note-cxsasturl has been deprecated and is no longer supported. |
-cxsastuser | Optional: The CxSAST username. This parameter is used to obtain scan results from the CxSAST server that are required by the CxSCA scan for Exploitable Path detection. Note-cxsastuser has been deprecated and is no longer supported. |
-cxsastpass | Optional: The CxSAST password for the CxSAST user. This parameter is used to obtain scan results from the CxSAST server required by the CxSCA scan for Exploitable Path detection. Note-cxsastpass has been deprecated and is no longer supported. |
-customfields | Optional: Add scan-level custom fields and their values. Example: -customfields "app:main, release:v3" NoticeSupported for CxSAST 9.4 and higher. |
-scatimeout | Optional: Add scan-level custom fields and their values. The SCA timeout values are provided in minutes. Example: -scatimeout 75 NoticeSupported for CxSAST 9.4 and higher. |
-enablescaresolver | Optional: Enable the SCA Resolver utility to perform a SCA scan. NoticeTo use the SCA Resolver utility with the CLI plugin, go to Checkmarx SCA Resolver Download and Installation for additional information and instructions on downloading and extracting the SCA resolver zip archive. |
-pathtoresolver | When using the SCA Resolver utility, use this parameter to define the path to the SCA Resolver folder where the required ScaResolve.exe file resides. |
-scaresolveraddparameters | You may run the SCA Resolver utility offline by adding additional command line arguments, as illustrated in the example below. Example: -enablescaresolver-pathtoresolver C:\Users\Installations\ScaResolver-win64-scaresolveraddparameters "-r C:\Users\Installations\ScaResolver-win64\Offline" -enablescaresolver -pathtoresolver "C:\Users\Installations\ScaResolver-win64" -scaresolveraddparameters "-s C:\Users\Code\JavaCode -n Checkmarx -r C:\Users\Installations\ScaResolver-win64\Offline" The plugin will automatically determine values for some mandatory arguments to ScaResolver to perform both Dependency Resolution and Exploitable Pathdetection. The user does not need to define these parameters in ‘scaresolveraddparameter’. These arguments are: -s: Path to the source code -n: Project name The plugin will also automatically determine the values for the following Exploitable Path detection parameters when CxSAST and CxSCA scans are run together. User need not define these parameters in ‘scaresolveraddparameter’. --cxuser: SAST Server username. --cxpassword: Password for SAST Server username. --cxserver: SAST server URL. Required arguments to run SCA Resolver: -r or--resolver-result-path: The path to the directory/file where the resolver results will be saved. Required arguments to perform Exploitable Path: --sast-result-path: The path where exploitable path results will be stored. --cxprojectname or--cxprojectid: Name or ID of the SAST project to be used to fetch exploitable path results. One of these must be provided. NoteIn case of only a CxSCA Scan, to use the Exploitable path detection, the cxprojectname or cxprojectid, cxuser, cxpassword, cxserver, and sast-result-path parameters are mandatory. |
-cxsastprojectname | Optional: The CxSAST project name used to scan the project source code, for example, CxServer/team1/projectname This parameter is used to obtain scan results from the CxSAST server required by the CxSCA scan for Exploitable Path detection. NoticeIf you use this parameter, enable Exploitable Path in CxSCA. Note-cxsastprojectname has been deprecated and is no longer supported. |
-cxsastprojectid | Optional: The CxSAST project ID used to scan the project source code This parameter is used to obtain scan results from the CxSAST server required by the CxSCA scan for Exploitable Path detection. NoticeIf you use this parameter, enable Exploitable Path in CxSCA. Note-cxsastprojectid has been deprecated and is no longer supported. |
CxOSA | |
-enableOsa | Optional: Enable CxOSA (open-source analysis). The -osaLocationPath or the -LocationType parameter must be defined as 'folder' or 'shared'. NoticeIf -osaLocationPath does not exist, use -locationPath |
-OsaLocationPath <filename> | Optional: The local or network path to the sources or the source repository branch. This may include multiple lists of local or shared folders separated by a comma. NoticeIf -osaLocationPath does not exist, use -locationPath |
-OsaArchiveToExtract <files list> | Optional: A comma separated list of file extensions to be extracted in the OSA scan, for example -OsaArchiveToExtract *.zip only extracts files with a *.zip extension. |
-OsaFilesInclude <files list> | Optional: A comma separated list of file name patterns to be included with in the CxOSA scan, for example *.dll only includes DLL files. NoticeOnly languages that CxOSA supports can be included. |
-OsaFilesExclude <files list> | Optional: A comma separated list of file name patterns to be excluded from the CxOSA scan. Exclude extensions by using !**/*.<extension> or exclude files by using !**/<file>
NoticeIf this parameter is sent, it overrides the default exclusion defined in the CLI configuration file (cx_console.properties). |
-OsaPathExclude <folders list> | Optional: Comma separated list of folder path patterns to be excluded from the OSA scan. Example: -OsaPathExclude “test*” excludes all folders that start with a test prefix. NoticeIf this parameter is sent, it overrides the default exclusion defined in the CLI configuration file (cx_console.properties). |
-OsaScanDepth <OSA analysis unzip depth> | Optional: Defines the extraction depth of files to be include in the OSA scan. NoticeMust be a number above 0. |
-executepackagedependency | Optional: Retrieves all supported package dependencies before performing the OSA scan. |
-OSAHigh <number of high OSA vulnerabilities> | Optional: CxOSA high severity vulnerability threshold. If the number of high vulnerabilities exceeds the threshold, the scan ends with an error. Refer to Error/Exit Codes. Notice-OSAHigh is not supported in AsyncScan mode. |
-OSAMedium <number of medium OSA vulnerabilities> | Optional: CxOSA medium severity vulnerability threshold. If the number of medium vulnerabilities exceeds the threshold, the scan ends with an error. Refer to Error/Exit Codes. Notice-OSAMedium is not supported in AsyncScan mode. |
-OSALow <number of low OSA vulnerabilities> | Optional: CxOSA low severity vulnerability threshold. If the number of low vulnerabilities exceeds the threshold, the scan ends with an error. Refer to Error/Exit Codes. Notice-OSALow is not supported in AsyncScan mode. |
-OsaReportHtml <path\file> | Creates an OSA scan report in HTML format. Notice-OsaReportHtml has been deprecated and is no longer supported. |
-OsaReportPDF <path\file> | Creates an OSA scan report in PDF format. Notice-OsaReportPDF has been deprecated and is no longer supported. |
-OsaJson <path> | Optional: Creates an OSA scan report in json format. Notice-OsaJson is not supported in AsyncScan mode. |
-osafailonerror | Optional: Enables users to stop the scan and consider it failed, if an error is encountered during the CxOSA scan. |
-osaerrorlogdir <path\file> | Optional: Enables users to get a seperate log file for each CxOSA error. Every log file includes the exact command line reference. |
-osascanjson <path\file> | Optional: Enables users to use custom “.json” files for OSA dependency. The scan fails, if this file is empty. |
-osafsaconf <configuration list> | Optional: Allows users to add a custom FSA configuration while performing an CxOSA scan. |
-osaarchivetoextract <extensions list> | Optional: Enables user to append list of files that will get extracted before performing CxOSA scan. |
These examples show CLI sample commands for each of the new features.
For Exploitable Path/Attack Vector
- runCxConsole.cmd Scan -v -Projectname "CxServer\NewProject" -cxServer -cxuser admin@cx -cxpassword Cx123456! -locationtype folder -locationpath “D:\SourceCode\JavaVulnerableLableCode” -enableSca -scaUsername ********* -scaPassword *********** -scaAccount plugins -cxsasturl -cxsastuser admin@cx -cxsastpass Cx123456!1 -cxsastprojectname “CxServer\SubhadraBamboo1” -cxsastprojectid 100
For Break the Build Policy
- runCxConsole.cmd Scan -v -Projectname "CxServer\NewProject" -cxServer -cxuser admin@cx -cxpassword Cx123456! -locationtype folder -locationpath “D:\SourceCode\JavaVulnerableLableCode” -enableSca -scaUsername ********* -scaPassword *********** -scaAccount plugins -checkpolicy
For Private Registry and Environment Variable
- runCxConsole.cmd Scan -v -Projectname "CxServer\NewProject" -cxServer -cxuser admin@cx -cxpassword Cx123456! -locationtype folder -locationpath “D:\SourceCode\JavaVulnerableLableCode” -enableSca -scaUsername ********* -scaPassword *********** -scaAccount plugins -env “key1:value1,key2:value2” -scaconfigfile “C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\npmrc, C:\Users\admin\.m2\settings.xml”
Include Source Code in CxSCA Scan
- runCxConsole.cmd Scan -v -Projectname "CxServer\NewProject" -cxServer -cxuser admin@cx -cxpassword Cx123456! -locationtype folder -locationpath “D:\SourceCode\JavaVulnerableLableCode” -enableSca -scaUsername ********* -scaPassword *********** -scaAccount plugins -includesource
Project Creation and Team Assignment in CxSCA
- runCxConsole.cmd Scan -v -Projectname "CxServer\NewProject" -cxServer -cxuser admin@cx -cxpassword Cx123456! -locationtype folder -locationpath “D:\SourceCode\JavaVulnerableLableCode” -enableSca -scaUsername ********* -scaPassword *********** -scaAccount plugins -includesource
Run CxOSA scan for C:\Users\Desktop\buildProducts and exclude folders src, temp and files .class
runCxConsole.cmd OsaScan -v -Projectname team\projectName -CxServer http://xx.xx.xx.xx -cxuser admin -cxpassword admin -OsaLocationPath C:\Users\Desktop\buildProducts -OsaFilesExclude *.class -OsaPathExclude src, temp
Run CxOSA scan for C:\Users\Desktop\buildProducts and exclude folders src, temp and files plexus-utils-1.5.6.jar
runCxConsole.cmd OsaScan -v -Projectname team\projectName -CxServer http://xx.xx.xx.xx -cxuser admin -cxpassword admin -locationType folder -OsaLocationPath C:\Users\Desktop\buildProducts -OsaFilesExclude */plexus-utils-1.5.6.jar -OsaPathExclude src,temp
Run CxOSA scan for C:\Users\Desktop\buildProducts and extract . zip files with an extraction depth of 3 and then exclude folders src, temp and files .class,
runCxConsole.cmd OsaScan -v -Projectname team\projectName -CxServer http://xx.xx.xx.xx -cxuser admin -cxpassword admin -locationtype shared -OsaLocationPath C:\Users\Desktop\buildProducts -OsaScanDepth 3 -OsaArchiveToExtract *.zip -OsaFilesExclude *.class -OsaPathExclude src, temp
Run CxOSA scan (in asynchronous mode) for C:\Users\Desktop\buildProducts and exclude folders src, temp and files .class
runCxConsole.cmd AsyncOsaScan -v -Projectname team\projectName -CxServer http://xx.xx.xx.xx -cxuser admin -cxpassword admin -OsaLocationPath C:\Users\Desktop\buildProducts -OsaFilesExclude *.class -OsaPathExclude src, temp
Run CxOSA scan for project Checkmarx One from the folder C:\cx\myProj and exclude the folders src, temp and files .class
runCxConsole.cmd OsaScan -v -Projectname SP\Cx\Engine\Checkmarx One -CxServer http://localhost -cxuser admin -cxpassword admin -locationpath C:\cx\myProj -OsaFilesExclude *.class -OsaPathExclude src, temp
Run CxOSA scan for -osafailonerror
runCxConsole.cmd OsaScan -v -Projectname team\projectName -CxServer http://xx.xx.xx.xx -cxuser admin -cxpassword admin -locationtype shared -OsaLocationPath C:\Users\Desktop\buildProducts -osafailonerror
Run CxOSA scan for -osascanjson
runCxConsole.cmd OsaScan -v -Projectname team\projectName -CxServer http://xx.xx.xx.xx -cxuser admin -cxpassword admin -locationtype shared -OsaLocationPath C:\Users\Desktop\buildProducts -osascanjson C:\Users\Desktop\OSADependencies.json
Run CxOSA scan for - osaerrorlogdir
runCxConsole.cmd OsaScan -v -Projectname team\projectName -CxServer http://xx.xx.xx.xx -cxuser admin -cxpassword admin -locationtype shared -OsaLocationPath C:\Users\Desktop\buildProducts -osaerrorlogdir "C:\Temp\OSALogDirectory"
Run CxOSA scan for - osaerrorlogdir
runCxConsole.cmd OsaScan -v -Projectname team\projectName -CxServer http://xx.xx.xx.xx -cxuser admin -cxpassword admin -locationtype shared -OsaLocationPath C:\Users\Desktop\buildProducts -osafsaconf "maven.projectNameFromDependencyFile"
Run CxOSA scan for project Checkmarx One from a shared location: \storage\path1 and create a log file
runCxConsole.cmd OsaScan -v -Projectname SP\Cx\Engine\Checkmarx One -cxserver http://localhost -cxuser admin -cxpassword admin -locationpath \storage\path1 -locationuser dm\matys -locationpassword XYZ -OsaJson -log a.log
Run CxSCA scan with log
runCxConsole.cmd SCAScan -Projectname CxServer\RihanFOlderExc1003 -LocationType Folder -LocationPath \\storage\Temp\Margarital\Source\HighMediumLowVul -scaUsername RihanK -scaPassword Plugins1! -scaAccount plugins -log aa.log
The table below lists CLI Exit and Error codes that are issued when a task is executed. The code description may help identifying and troubleshooting issues.
Code | Description |
0 | Completed successfully |
1 | Failed to start scan (missing or invalid parameters) |
2 | This feature is available only on the SDLC edition |
3 | Open Source Analysis License is not enabled for this project. Please contact your CxSAST Administrator. |
4 | Login failed |
5 | OSA scan requires an existing project on the server |
6 | Failed to resolve dependencies for OSA scan |
7 | No dependencies were found for the OSA scan |
11 | SAST high vulnerability threshold exceeded |
12 | SAST medium vulnerability threshold exceeded |
13 | SAST low vulnerability threshold exceeded |
14 | OSA high vulnerability threshold exceeded |
15 | OSA medium vulnerability threshold exceeded |
16 | OSA low vulnerability threshold exceeded |
18 | Policy is violated |
19 | SAST and OSA vulnerability thresholds exceeded |
30 | Failed to resolve Maven dependencies for OSA scan |
31 | Failed to resolve Gradle dependencies for OSA scan |
32 | Failed to resolve NPM dependencies for OSA scan |
33 | Failed to resolve Nuget/DotNet dependencies for OSA scan |
130 | Scan canceled by the user (Ctrl-C) |
The CxOSA scan should be defined only if -LocationType is specified as folder or shared.
The CxOSA scan as a CLI command is supported with CxSAST (v8.4.2 and up).
A CxOSA scan can only be defined for an existing project.
Supports new CxSCA features like dependency resolution by using private registries and exploitable paths and include sources. Private registries and the Exploitable path functionality require using the CxSCA Resolver.
If the path/file is invalid or there is no deflecting argument, the -OsaJson report can be found under C:\CLIDir\CxConsolePlugin-8.42.0\<project name>\.
In cases with SAST High and SAST Medium issues, the highest severity exit/error code is used, for example, 10 - Failed on threshold SAST HIGH.
NPM, NuGet, Python, and other supported package managers must be installed to use -executepackagedependency and retrieve all dependencies before performing the OSA scan.
The parameters ('-OsaReportHtml' & '-OsaReportPDF') have been deprecated and are no longer supported in this version. If applied, the following log message is written: ${param} is not supported in this CLI version.
To run the CLI with a Proxy use the following cases:
Run CLI with Proxy using the following system variables:
-DproxySet=true -Dhttp{s}.proxyHost=${proxy_host} -Dhttp{s}.proxyPort=${proxy_port}
Run CLI with with Proxy authentication using the following system variables:
-DproxySet=true -Dhttp{s}.proxyHost=${proxy_host} -Dhttp{s}.proxyPort=${proxy_port} -Dhttp{s}.proxyUser=${proxy_username} -Dhttp{s}.proxyPassword=${proxy_password}
If running the CLI with both 'http.' and 'https.' proxy parameters, the CLI prioritizes 'https.'
To specify a truststore for use, the cx_console.properties file must be configured in the following manner:
Add the new trustStore and trustStorePassword properties in the cx_console properties file. Specify values for these properties.
The trustStore property takes the path of the trust store certificate path and the trustStorePassword property takes the password set for the trust store. These properties values are saved in JMV arguments. When these properties are set, the certificate is taken from the specified path and not from cacerts.
Due to known limitations of Windows consoles, if non-English characters are not supported on the Windows command prompt, then please check the checkbox Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support under Settings --> Language Settings --> Administrative Language Settings --> Change System Locale button --> Region Setting screen and select the appropriate font from the command prompt by --> Right click --> Properties --> Font. This may not work consistently on all Windows consoles.If non-English characters are not supported in Linux via the command line, then the Config-As-Code functionality can be used.