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Email Notification Service

Email Notification Service is designed to offer Checkmarx One users the option of receiving Scan Summary Report notifications directly in their email inbox.


Reports are only sent for scans in which the specified trigger conditions are met.

Scan Summary Report 

The scan summary report includes the following information:

  • Total scan results per scanner categorized by severity - Critical, HighMediumLowInfo.

  • Scan Metadata, including Project Name, Branch, Scan ID, and Tags.

  • View Results button for quick access to the Checkmarx One platform.

For example:





Container vulnerabilities are not currently supported for Feedback Apps. This may cause a discrepancy between the summary counters shown in Checkmarx One and the ones sent via Feedback App.

Update planned as part of development of the new Container Security scanner

Creating a New Email App

To create a new Email Feedback App, click on Integrations Integrations.png > Email.


Settings & Trigger Conditions panel is opened in the right screen side.

Alternatively you can create a new Email Feedback App by performing the following steps

  1. Click on Integrations Integrations.png > Inventory > Create App.

  2. In the right side panel, select Email and click Next.

Settings & Trigger Conditions

Email App Settings & Trigger Conditions panel contains basic details for the new Feedback App in addition to its trigger conditions.

Configure the following:

  1. General Settings: 

    • Feedback App Name.

    • Description.

    • Associate Tags - Assign tags to a Feedback App. Tags are very useful for filtering purposes.

  2. Trigger Conditions: 

    • Severity - The severity level of a vulnerability that triggers the Feedback App.

    • Status - To decrease the number of received emails, specify also the status of a vulnerability that triggers the Feedback App.

      In conjunction with the severity, this makes the setting more precise.

  3. Click Next



Email panel contains a configuration field for the email addresses.

Setting up email can be done in various ways:

  • Manually entering email addresses.

  • Copying and pasting a mailing list from a Word document, clipboard tool, or Excel sheet.

When using a mailing list, Checkmarx One automatically handles email separators such as commas, spaces, and line breaks. It counts and displays valid email addresses on the configuration screen, while ignoring incorrectly formatted addresses

The recipient list can include up to 500 email addresses per application.

To remove email addresses, you can either hover over an email address and click the 'x' icon on the right or click the Trash_icon.png icon to remove the entire list.

Configure the following:

  1. Emails - Configure up to 500 email addresses and press Enter.

  2. Click Save.
