- Checkmarx Documentation
- Checkmarx One
- Checkmarx One User Guide
- DAST (Dynamic Application Software Testing)
- Installing the DAST CLI in a Pipeline
Installing the DAST CLI in a Pipeline
You can integrate DAST with your favorite CI/CD pipelines. This section explains how the DAST CLI can be installed in a pipeline.
To run a DAST Scan, you need an outbound connection to Checkmarx One so we can upload the results. To do so, we must ensure we can connect to the following IP (for BETA version-> Canary). For more information, please review the Checkmarx One External IPs page.
When running the DAST CLI, you have the following available commands/flags available:
- Executes a DAST api scan
Usage: dast api [flags]
-h, --help help for api
--openapi string path to the openapi file
--postman string path to the postman file
- Executes a DAST web scan
Usage: dast web [flags]
Flags: -h, --help help for web
- Generate a DAST configuration file
Usage: dast generate [command]
Available Commands:
-h, --help help for generate
Global Flags:
- --base-url <string>
CxOne Servers base URL.
- --config <string>
Path to the config file.
- --environment-id <string>
The ID of the environment previously created in the CxOne Frontend.
- --fail-on <string>
Lowest severity in the results to fail the execution of the DAST-CLI (all, low, info, medium, high, Critical).
- -h, --help
Help for DAST.
- --jvm-properties <string> (Default - "-Xmx3G")
Path to the jvm properties file.
- --log-level <string> (Default - "info")
Log level.
- --output <string>
Path to the output directory.
- --proxy-port <string>
Override the host port used for proxying.
- --proxy-url <string>
Override the host used for proxying.
- --retry-delay <int> (Default - 20)
Time between retries in seconds, use with
.- --retry <int> (Default - 3)
Retry requests to AST on connection failure.
- --timeout <int> (Default - 10000)
DAST scan timeout in seconds.
- --update-interval <int> (Default - 30)
Update interval in seconds.
- --verbose
Print logs to stdout.
The following CI/CD pipelines integrate with DAST:
Integrate DAST into Azure Pipelines CI/CD to run DAST scans in Azure DevOps repositories.
# # Example for a DAST web scan using PowerShell; # trigger: none # API key variables are stored in a Library variables: - group: "CxOne DAST Variables" pool: vmImage: "ubuntu-latest" jobs: - job: build displayName: 'Initiate DAST scan' steps: # Use PowerShell to do the heavy lifting - powershell: | sudo chmod a+rw -R ./ docker pull checkmarx/dast:latest docker run -e CX_APIKEY=$(CANARY_API_KEY) -v "/home/vsts/work/1/s:/dast_home" checkmarx/dast:latest web --environment-id="99f10aac-6a73-49a3-81b1-0adae9a158fc" --config="/dast_home/DAST-AZURE/dast-config/zap_config.yaml" --base-url=https://deu.ast.checkmarx.net/ --output=/dast_home/DAST-AZURE/test_output --timeout=10000 --update-interval=10 --jvm-properties=-Xmx3G --log-level=info --verbose --retry=3 --retry-delay=20 sudo chown -R vsts:docker test_output displayName: 'Run CxOne DAST via PowerShell' # Publish the contents of the output directory as artifacts - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1 displayName: 'Publish CxOne DAST Artifacts' inputs: targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/DAST-AZURE/test_output' artifact: 'CxOne DAST Artifacts'
You can integrate DAST into Bamboo. The example below demonstrates running DAST in a build plan linked to a GitHub repository. After you create a project with a build plan linked to a GitHub repository, you need to create a task to run DAST. The script body should contain docker run -v ${PWD}:/path checkmarx/dast:latest web --config /path/zapconfig.yaml --verbose
You can integrate DAST into Bitbucket Pipelines CI/CD, and run DAST scans in your Bitbucket repositories to streamline risks. The following is an example DAST web scan configuration:
pipelines: default: - step: name: "Run Cx-DAST-CLI scan" script: - docker run -e CX_APIKEY=**** checkmarx/dast:latest web --base-url=%CxOne-address% --environment-id=**** --config=${PWD}/zap_config.yaml --output=/tmp --jvm-properties=-Xmx3G --verbose services: - docker
Enable CircleCI to access your profile or GitHub organization.
Create a .circleci
directory in your project's root and place a config.yaml
version: 2.1 jobs: dast: docker: - image: checkmarx/dast:latest steps: - checkout - run: name: Run DAST command: | /app/bin/dast web --config ${PWD}/zap_config.yaml --verbose workflows: version: 2 build: jobs: # etc... - dast
Click here for a full list of DAST docker tags: Docker Tags.
To run Checkmarx DAST as a Docker image:
Download the Docker image. In your terminal, enter the command docker pull checkmarx/dast:latest to use the last updated version. If you want to download a specific version, you can replace it with the version you want to download; for example, docker pull checkmarx/dast:1.0.1.
Open the terminal and access the folder where the configuration and Swagger files (for an API scan) are located.
Run the following command to start the DAST scan from the docker image:
API Scan Example
docker run -e CX_APIKEY=$API_MASTER_KEY \ -v $(pwd):/demo checkmarx/dast:latest \ api \ --environment-id=889259e2-c24b-4dc7-99f5-67009c43e73c \ --config=/demo/zap_config_api.yaml \ --base-url=https://urlCxOne.com/ \ --output=/demo/test_output \ --timeout=10000 \ --update-interval=10 \ --jvm-properties=-Xmx3G \ --log-level=info \ --verbose \ --retry=3 \ --retry-delay=20 \ --fail-on HIGH \ --openapi /demo/openapi.yaml
Web Scan Example
docker run -e CX_APIKEY=$API_MASTER_KEY \ -v $(pwd):/demo checkmarx/dast:latest \ web \ --environment-id=889259e2-c24b-4dc7-99f5-67009c43e73c \ --config=/demo/zap_config_web.yaml \ --base-url=https://urlCxOne.com/ \ --output=/demo/test_output \ --timeout=10000 \ --update-interval=10 \ --jvm-properties=-Xmx3G \ --log-level=info \ --verbose \ --retry=3 \ --retry-delay=20 \ --fail-on HIGH
Replace the following variables:
→ replace the ID with the corresponding ID on Checkmarx One. You can copy it from the UI.config
→ replace by the corresponding location of the configuration file.base-url
→ Specify the URL of your Checkmarx One tenant.output
→ specify the location for the output folder.openapi
(only mandatory for API scans)→ specify the location of the Swagger file.
You can integrate DAST into your GitHub Actions CI/CD pipelines with a specific DAST GitHub Action and run DAST scans in your GItHub repositories.
Default Report Usage Example
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job steps: # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it - uses: actions/checkout@v2 # Scan with DAST - name: run dast web uses: checkmarx/dast-action@latest with: config: 'zapconfig.yaml' verbose: true
Workflow Failures: By default, DAST will fail your workflow on any results found. If you want your pipeline just to fail on HIGH severity results and DAST engine execution errors:
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job steps: # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it - uses: actions/checkout@v2 # Scan with DAST - name: run dast web uses: checkmarx/dast-action@latest with: config: 'zapconfig.yaml' verbose: true environment_id: <ENVIRONMENT_ID> fail_on: 'HIGH'
You can integrate DAST into your GitHub Actions CI/CD pipelines with a specific DAST GitHub Action and run DAST scans in your GitHub repositories. DAST CLI Authentication is made through Checkmarx One API Key. To generate an API key, follow these steps:
Go to Identity and Access Management
Go to API Keys
Create a new API key.
Copy the generated key.
Create a GitHub action runner secret from the generated key.
Set the environment variable CX_APIKEY to the newly created secret.
steps: - name: Run DAST Scan uses: checkmarx/dast-github-action@v1.0 env: CX_APIKEY: ${{ secrets.CX_ONE_API_KEY }}
Variable | Example Value | Description | Required |
command | web | The type of scan to preform (web, api) | true |
config | ./zap_config.yaml | The path to the ZAP configuration file | true |
base_url | The baseURL for the Checkmarx One application | true | |
environment_id | c608a51a-ec4e-4eef-81c4-a0241737efd7 | The environment ID retrieved from DAST in Checkmarx One | true |
openapi | ./swagger.yaml | The path to the openapi specification file | true (only for api scan) |
project_id | fd093dde-b64a-466f-b2cd-8bf141b4db94 | The project ID retrieved from project tab in Checkmarx One | false (only for api scan) |
output | ./output | The path to generate the output files (zap log and original results) | false |
timeout | 10000 | The zap engine timeout in seconds (default: 300) | false |
update_interval | 10 | The interval in which to log the progress of the scan in seconds (default: 10) | false |
jvm_properties | -Xmx512m | The jvm properties used in the ZAP engine (default: -Xmx3G) | false |
log_level | info | The level on what DAST will log (default: info) | false |
verbose | true | Set to true to print the logs to the stdout (default: false) | false |
fail_on | high | The minimum severity in which the action should fail | false |
retry | 3 | Retry requests to AST on connection failure (default: 3) | false |
retry_delay | 20 | Time between retries in seconds, use with retry (default: 20) | false |
Web Scan
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job steps: # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it - uses: actions/checkout@v3 # Scan Iac with DAST - name: Checkmarx DAST Github Action uses: Checkmarx/dast-github-action@v1.0.0-beta env: CX_APIKEY: ${{ secrets.CX_ONE_API_KEY }} with: command: "web" config: 'zap_config.yaml' base_url: "localhost.cxast.net" environment_id: "c608a51a-ec4e-4eef-81c4-a0241737efd7" fail_on: "HIGH" verbose: true - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 name: Upload Logs with: name: report path: ./output
API Scan
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job steps: # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it - uses: actions/checkout@v3 # Scan Iac with DAST - name: Checkmarx DAST Github Action uses: Checkmarx/dast-github-action@v1.0.0-beta env: CX_APIKEY: ${{ secrets.CX_ONE_API_KEY }} with: command: "api" config: 'zap_api_config.yaml' base_url: "localhost.cxast.net" environment_id: "c608a51a-ec4e-4eef-81c4-a0241737efd7" openapi: "swagger.yaml" project_id: "fd093dde-b64a-466f-b2cd-8bf141b4db94" fail_on: "HIGH" verbose: true - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 name: Upload Logs with: name: report path: ./output
You can integrate DAST into your GitLab CI/CD pipelines and run DAST scans in your GitLab repositories.
image: name: checkmarx/dast:1.0.1 entrypoint: [""] stages: - CxOneDast dast-scan: stage: CxOneDast image: docker:latest services: - docker:dind script: - docker run -e CX_APIKEY=$SECRETKEY -v $CI_PROJECT_DIR:/demo checkmarx/dast:1.0.1 web --environment-id=7d5b6942-192c-4d04-a9d2-47f5acdd24bf --config=/demo/zap_config.yaml --base-url=https://deu.ast.checkmarx.net --output=/demo/output.log --timeout=10000 --update-interval=10 --jvm-properties=-Xmx3G --log-level=info --verbose --retry=3 --retry-delay=20 --fail-on HIGH
You can integrate DAST into your Jenkins CI/CD pipelines and run DAST scans as a stage in your pipeline.
Plugins required:
#!groovy def ret pipeline { agent { node { label 'Dynamic-AST-Deployment-New' } } options { timestamps() timeout(time: 2, unit: 'HOURS') } stages { stage("Docker Pull"){ script{ sh " docker pull checkmarx/dast:latest” } } stage("Run DAST"){ script{ git credentialsId: 'github_creds', url: 'https://github.com/CheckmarxDev/dast-demo-env' ret = sh( script: """ docker run -v \$(pwd)/dast-config:/tmp/config -v \$(pwd)/output:/output -e CX_APIKEY=$API_KEY --user 0 checkmarx/dast:latest \ web --base-url=https://deu.ast.checkmarx.net/ --timeout=10000 --log-level=info --verbose \ --config=/tmp/config/zap_config.yaml --environment-id=49e32846-7455-407c-aed6-be17dfe1632e \ --fail-on high --output /output """ , returnStatus: true) if(ret != 0){ currentBuild.result = 'FAILED' return } } } } post { always{ archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'output' } } }
You can easily integrate DAST into TeamCity pipelines by Kotlin DSL and DAST docker image to run DAST scans as a stage of your pipeline. Ensure that the TeamCity agent has Docker configured to run containers. Check out Getting Started with Kotlin DSL and modify your .teamcity/settings.kts
as the example
import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2.* import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2.buildSteps.script version = "2021.1" project { description = "DAST TeamCity integration test" buildType(Build) } object Build: BuildType({ name = "DAST TeamCity integration test" vcs { root(DslContext.settingsRoot) } steps { script { scriptContent = """ #!/bin/bash docker run -v ${'$'}PWD:/path checkmarx/dast:latest web --config /path/zap_config.yaml --verbose --environment-id <ENVIRONMENT_ID> """.trimIndent() } } })
With versioned settings enabled, you can see the build progress, logs, and success status after pushing the changes to the repository.
You can integrate DAST into your Travis CI/CD pipelines and run DAST scans in your repositories.
Example Configuration Using Docker
services: - docker before_install: - docker pull checkmarx/dast:latest script: - docker run -v ${PWD}/path checkmarx/dast:latest web --config /path/zap_config.yaml --verbose --environment-id <ENVIRONMENT_ID>