| JSP JavaScript VBScript PL\SQL HTML5
| ATG DSP Taglib GWT Hibernate Google Guice Java Server Faces (JSF) JSP JSTL FMT Taglib OWASP ESAPI MyBatis PrimeFaces Spring Boot Spring MVC Spring Struts Velocity
| .java .jsp .jspf .jsf .tag .tld .mf .xhtml .vm .gradle .properties .jspdsbld .wod .xml .yml .yaml
| Java can be configured as a unified language with Scala. |
| ASP.NET JavaScript VBScript PL\SQL HTML5
| ASP.NET Core ASP.Net Core Razor ASP.Net MVC framework Enterprise Libraries ComponentArt Entity framework Hibernate.Net Infragistics iBatis Telerik Dapper .Net Core .Net Framework .NET
| .cs .cshtml .xaml .vb .config .aspx .ascx .asax .tag .master .xml
| |
| JavaScript [**] VBScript PL\SQL HTML5
| | | |
| | | | |
| | |
| JavaScript | bWapp CakePHP OWASP ESAPI Kohana Symfony Smarty Zend
| .php .php3 .php4 .php5 .phtm .phtml .tpl .ctp .twig .inc .cgi .env .ini
| |
| | VisualForce Lightning (Aura) Lightning Web Components
| .apex .apexp .apxc .page .component .cls .trigger .tgr .object .report .workflow -meta.xml .xml
| This is for Salesforce APEX only. |
| | | .rb .rhtml .rxml .rjs .erb .cgi .lock
| |
| | Ajax Angular AngularJS Backbone Cordova / PhoneGap Handlebars Hapi.JS JQuery Knockout Kony Visualizer Node.js Buffer CryptoJS ExpressJS File System Hapi Mongodb OracleDB Sequelize
Pug (Jade) React Native ReactJS SAPUI5 VueJS XS (SAP) RequireJS
| .js .jsx .htm .html .json .ts .tsx .aspx .ascx .xsjs .xsjslib .xsaccess .xsapp .app .evt .cmp .hbs .handlebars .jade .pug .vue .xml .apexp .page .component .cshtml .jsf .xhtml .jsp .jspf .asp .master .php
| |
| | | .vbs .aspx .ascx .asp .cshtml .html .htm .master
| |
| | | | |
| | | | |
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| | | | |
SQL | | | | |
| JavaScript VB script PL\SQL
| Django Flask Jinja and DTL Pandas library Marshmallow
| .py .gtl .csv .latex .tex .html .xml .txt
| |
| JavaScript VB script PL\SQL
| | .groovy .gsh .gvy .gy .gsp .gradle
| |
| | | | Scala can be configured as a unified language with Java. |
| | Protobuf gin-gonic/gin gorilla-mux
| | |
| | Ktor (Server Side) Vert.x (Server Side) Spring
| | |
| | | | |
| | | .rpg .rpg38 .sqlrpg .rpgle .sqlrpgle .dspf
| |
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