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Installing the IAST Management Server under Windows

You have received a welcome an email with a link to download the IAST installation before installing for the first time.

Before installing the IAST Management server, check that you can connect to the SQL server using the ‘sa’ user. You may validate the connectivity to the SQL server by using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). Confirm that the SQL Server Services are running and restart the services, if you made any changes.


  • Make sure to keep the installation file as some configuration changes that you may wish to perform in the future require re-installing IAST.

  • The domain user must be an administrator and must have Logon as a Service privileges.

  • It is recommended to verify that you can connect to the database over TCP. You can use the following to confirm that you are getting a list of some table names:

    sqlcmd -S tcp:localhost\sqlexpress -U user -P pwd -Q "select name from sys.tables"

If you intend to connect to your database server using the IAST Windows Authentication Configuration (either Domain User or Network Service), make sure that the domain user with which you are starting the IAST Management Server installation has access permissions to the database server.