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Supported Code Languages (v3.0.0)

The following code languages can be scanned using CxIAST version 3.0.0. Use the search tool to find a specific subject.


Supported Version


Application Server

Image result for java logo

Java 6 (or higher)

Windows or Linux

Apache Tomcat v7 (or higher)

Jetty v8 (or higher)

JBoss EAP v7 (or higher)

Wildfly v10.1 (or higher)

WebLogic Server 12cR2

Eclipse Vert.x v3.1 (or higher)

WebSphere Liberty – 18 (or higher)

WebSphere Traditional - 9 (or higher)

Payara - 5


.NET framework 3.5 (or higher)

Windows or Linux

IIS, IIS Express

Node.js version 6 (or higher)

Windows or Linux

Not Applicable

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