| JSP JavaScript VBScript PL\SQL HTML5
| ATG DSP Taglib GWT Hibernate Google Guice Java Server Faces (JSF) JSP JSTL FMT Taglib OWASP ESAPI MyBatis PrimeFaces Spring Boot Spring MVC Spring Struts Velocity
| .java .jsp .jspf .jsf .tag .tld .mf .xhtml .vm .gradle .properties .xml
| Java can be configured as a unified language with Scala. |
| ASP.NET JavaScript VBScript PL\SQL HTML5
| ASP.NET Core ASP.Net Core Razor ASP.Net MVC framework Enterprise Libraries ComponentArt Entity framework Hibernate.Net Infragistics iBatis Telerik
| .cs .cshtml .xaml .vb .config .aspx .ascx .asax .tag .master .xml
| |
| JavaScript [**] VBScript PL\SQL HTML5
| | | |
| | | | |
| | |
| JavaScript | bWapp CakePHP OWASP ESAPI Kohana Symfony Smarty Zend
| .php .php3 .php4 .php5 .phtm .phtml .tpl .ctp .twig .inc .cgi
| |
| | VisualForce Lightning (Aura) Lightning Web Components
| .apex .apexp .apxc .page .component .cls .trigger .tgr .object .report .workflow -meta.xml .xml
| This is for Salesforce APEX only. |
| | | .rb .rhtml .rxml .rjs .erb .cgi .lock
| |
| | Ajax Angular AngularJS Backbone Cordova / PhoneGap Handlebars Hapi.JS JQuery Knockout Kony Visualizer Node.js Buffer CryptoJS ExpressJS File System Hapi Mongodb OracleDB Sequelize
Pug (Jade) React Native ReactJS SAPUI5 VueJS XS (SAP) RequireJS
| .js .jsx .htm .html .json .ts .tsx .aspx .ascx .xsjs .xsjslib .xsaccess .xsapp .app .evt .cmp .hbs .handlebars .jade .pug .vue .xml
| |
| | | .vbs .aspx .ascx .asp .cshtml .html .htm .master
| |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| JavaScript VB script PL\SQL
| Django Flask Jinja and DTL Pandas library
| .py .gtl .csv .latex .tex .html .xml .txt
| |
| JavaScript VB script PL\SQL
| | .groovy .gsh .gvy .gy .gsp .gradle
| |
| | | | Scala can be configured as a unified language with Java. |
| | Protobuf gin-gonic/gin gorilla-mux
| | |
| | Ktor (Server Side) Vert.x (Server Side) Spring
| | |
| | | | |
| | | .rpg .rpg38 .sqlrpg .rpgle .sqlrpgle .dspf
| |
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